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Kyung Hea Lee 26 Articles
Relationship between the Intake of Children's Favorite Foods and Policy based on Special Act on Safety Control of Children's Dietary Life
Taejung Woo, Jihye Yoo, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2019;24(2):106-116.   Published online April 30, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study examined the status of children's favorite foods intake and the relationship with the policy environment based on the Special Act on Safety Control of Children's Dietary Life for suggesting a supportive policy strategy.
The subjects were 4th grade students (n=1,638) in elementary school from 45 schools collected from seven areas (Seoul, Daegu, Daejeon, Gyeonggi, Chungnam, Jeonbuk, and Gyeongnam). The children participated in a self-administered questionnaire survey in class under the supervision of the teacher. The questionnaire consisted of items, such as social demographic characteristics, frequency of intake of the children's favorite foods, and policy cognition. A t-test and ANOVA were applied to explore the relationship between the frequency of children's favorite foods intake and policy cognition. The survey was implemented from August 2016 to September 2016.
For the boys, the frequency of ‘high-calorie low nutrient foods intake’ (HCLN) was significantly higher than that of the girls (p<0.01). For the children who received information on their favorite foods from the internet, the frequency of HCLN was higher than the other sources (p<0.01). The time of TV viewing and computer usage, and smartphone usage was associated with a higher frequency of HCLN, and a lower healthy favorite food intake (all p<0.001). The intake frequency of healthy favorite foods indicated a positive correlation with the policy cognition, including policy perception, usefulness, necessity and buying intention, and educational experience.
This study showed a correlation with the frequency of children's favorite foods intake and policy. In particular, the frequency of children's healthy favorite foods intake indicated a meaningful relationship with the policy than the frequency of HCLN. This study also found that the consumption of children's healthy favorite foods was positively correlated with the educational experience. To develop a supportive policy for a good dietary environment for children, there is a need to focus on how to collaborate with multiple levels of influences, such as the national level, school level, and family.


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  • Correlation between adolescents’ dietary safety management competency and value recognition, efficacy, and competency of convergence using dietary area: a descriptive study
    Yunhwa Kim, Yeon-Kyung Lee
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2023; 28(4): 317.     CrossRef
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Field Application and Evaluation of Health Status Assessment Tool based on Dietary Patterns for Middle-Aged Women
Hye Jin Lee, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2018;23(4):277-288.   Published online August 31, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study was performed to verify the validity and judgment criteria setting of a health status assessment tool based on dietary patterns for middle-aged women.
A total of 474 middle-aged women who visited the Comprehensive Medical Examination Center at Hanmaeum Hospital in Changwon were enrolled (IRB 2013-0005). The validity was verified using clinical indicators for the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome (MS), and it was used to set the criteria for the tool. A logistic regression analysis was performed for validation. The area under-receiver operation (AUC), sensitivity, specificity, and Youden Index were calculated through ROC curve analysis. Statistical analysis was performed by SPSS 21, and p value < 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant.
The mean score of the group with no MS (73.3 points) was significantly higher compared to the group with MS (65.7 points) (p < 0.001). An analysis of the association between the tool scores and risk of MS showed a 0.15-fold reduction in the risk of MS every time the tool's score increased by one point. As the result of the ROC curve analysis, the assessment reference point was set to 71 points, indicating 77.0% sensitivity and 61.0% specificity. Risk of MS was significantly higher in the group with a score of less than 71.0 than a group with more than 71 points (OR=5.28, p < 0.001).
This study was the first attempt to develop a health status assessment tool based on the dietary patterns for middle-aged women, and this tool has proven its usefulness as an MS assessment tool through the application of middle-aged women in the field of health screening.


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  • Association of milk and dairy product consumption with the incidence of cardio-cerebrovascular disease incidence in middle-aged and older Korean adults: a 16-year follow-up of the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study
    Yeseung Jeong, Kyung Won Lee, Hyekyeong Kim, Yuri Kim
    Nutrition Research and Practice.2023; 17(6): 1225.     CrossRef
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Application and the Effect of Nutrition Education Program Based on the Social Cognitive Theory Among Middle School Girls
Jihea Kim, Taejung Woo, Kyoung Ae Lee, Seung Min Lee, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2016;21(6):497-508.   Published online December 31, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of nutrition education using materials based on social cognitive theory. Education topics focused on improving health-related and dietary self-awareness and behavior capability in adolescents.
Participants were recruited from a middle school for girls; 67 students (educated group, n=34 and control group, n=33) participated. The education group received 12 lessons in club activity class. Self-administered surveys were conducted for each group before and after the nutrition education program. The questionnaires consisted of variables such as self-efficacy, outcome expectation, outcome expectancy, knowledge, and dietary practices based on the social cognitive theory. Education satisfaction was evaluated using a five-point Likert scale for two sections: a) teaching and learning and b) education results. The data were analyzed using a t-test and Chi Square-test (significance level: p < 0.05).
In the education group, post-education, there were significant differences in self-efficacy (p < 0.05), knowledge (p < 0.01), and dietary practices (p < 0.05), whereas outcome expectation and expectancy did not show any significant differences. None of the variables showed any significant differences in the control group. Educational satisfaction scores were 4.38 ± 0.12 (teaching and learning) and 4.14 ± 0.15 (education results).
This study showed that improving adolescent's awareness and behavior capability has a positive effect on their dietary practices. Moreover, this study suggested that a theory-based determinant should be considered to improve dietary behavior among adolescents.


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  • Awareness and Practice of Sugar Reduction in School Foodservice and the Practice of Nutrition Education in Daegu
    Suhyang Jang, Kilye Kim, Yeon-Kyung Lee
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2021; 26(3): 167.     CrossRef
  • Effect of Dietary Education Experience (Home, School, and Mass Media) on Food Consumer Information literacy
    Ji Eun Kim, Kyoung Sook Choi
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2019; 24(5): 363.     CrossRef
  • Factors affecting preference of vegetable in elementary school students: based on social cognitive theory
    Su Hyeon Cha, Ho Kyung Ryu
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2019; 52(3): 285.     CrossRef
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Gender Differences in Adolescents' Dietary Perceptions and Practices
Taejung Woo, Hye Jin Lee, Kyoung Ae Lee, Seung Min Lee, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2016;21(2):165-177.   Published online April 30, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study attempted to compare adolescents' dietary behaviors and perceptions by gender in order to recommend useful strategies for nutrition interventions.
Subjects were 2,363 middle school (MS) and high school (HS) students. They completed a self-administered questionnaire on their interest in diet and health, dietary perceptions, nutrition knowledge, dietary practices, and dietary environment at home. Data were analyzed using t-test, χ2-test, and simple regression analysis by gender and by school groups.
Overall, girls obtained higher scores than boys did for "interest" (MS: p<0.001; HS: p<0.01), "dietary perceptions" (MS: p<0.001; HS: p<0.01), and "knowledge" (MS: p<0.01; HS: p<0.001). Regarding "dietary practices," no gender differences were observed among MS students, however, among HS students, boys obtained higher scores-reflecting good practices-than girls did (p<0.01). In all subjects, dietary environment at home was strongly associated with dietary practice than other variables (MS boys: β=0.435, p<0.001; MS girls: β=0.492, p<0.001, HS boys: β=0.271, p<0.001; HS girls: β=0.429, p<0.001).
We observed gender differences in some of the variables such as knowledge and perception among adolescent students. Educational programs and core strategies that consider these gender differences need to be developed. Specifically, for girls, educational programs should focus on facilitating dietary recommendation adherence, whereas for boys, the program could focus on improving dietary knowledge and perceptions.


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  • Development of evaluation items for adolescents’ dietary habits and nutritional practices reflecting eating behaviors and food environment
    Jimin Lim, Hye Ji Seo, Jieun Oh
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2024; 57(1): 136.     CrossRef
  • Changes in Ultra-Processed Food Consumption among Adolescents before and after the COVID-19 Pandemic : Using Data from the 7th (2018~2019) and 8th (2020~2021) Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
    Hyun-Jin Hwang, Yoo Kyeong Kim
    Korean Journal of Human Ecology.2024; 33(6): 981.     CrossRef
  • Restaurant Meal Delivery and Take-Out Consumption Behavior according to Adolescents’ Food-Related Lifestyles
    Yulee Shin, Minsook Kyung, Seonyeong Baek, Sunny Ham
    Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life.2021; 31(3): 172.     CrossRef
  • Association between Stress and Nutritional status of High School Students in Chungbuk using Nutrition Quotient for Korean Adolescents
    In Young Kim, Mi-Kyeong Choi
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2020; 25(5): 361.     CrossRef
  • Development of NQ-A, Nutrition Quotient for Korean Adolescents, to assess dietary quality and food behavior
    Hye-Young Kim, Jung-Sug Lee, Ji-Yun Hwang, Sehyug Kwon, Hae Rang Chung, Tong-Kyung Kwak, Myung-Hee Kang, Young-Sun Choi
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2017; 50(2): 142.     CrossRef
  • Nutrition Knowledge, Dietary Attitudes, and Dietary Behaviors by Gender of High School Students in Incheon
    Zolzaya Erdenebileg, So Hyun Park, Su Ji Park, Kyung Ja Chang
    Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture.2016; 31(6): 652.     CrossRef
  • Adulterated Food Management Characteristics according to Dietary Lifestyles among Adolescents
    Yunhwa Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2016; 21(6): 509.     CrossRef
  • Application and the Effect of Nutrition Education Program Based on the Social Cognitive Theory Among Middle School Girls
    Jihea Kim, Taejung Woo, Kyoung Ae Lee, Seung Min Lee, Kyung-Hea Lee
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2016; 21(6): 497.     CrossRef
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Health Status Assessment Tool Development based on Dietary Patterns in Middle-Aged Women
Hye Jin Lee, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2016;21(1):37-52.   Published online February 29, 2016
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study was performed to develop an assessment tool for middle aged women's health status based on dietary patterns, which will have practical applications in the working field of health and hygiene, aiming at improving the middle aged women's quality of life through their health improvement.
As a first step, a literature review was conducted and the original data of '2008~2009 Korea Health and Nutrition Examination Survey' were reanalyzed. This analysis identified 65 preliminary questions that may be relevant to the study. After verifying the content validity by experts, the 65 questions were reduced into 51 questions. In order to secure higher validity of the candidate items, verification of their clinical validity was conducted among women aged between 45 and 60 years. Finally, an assessment tool was developed by applying weight and scoring.
Selected 51 questions were used to verify clinical validity and the results showed that 20 questions were relevant, nine questions ('regular meal time', 'regular amount of meal', 'intake frequency of dairy products', 'intake frequency of fruits', 'intake frequency of meat products', 'intake frequency of high cholesterol foods', 'intake frequency of salty foods', 'appetite', 'eat breakfast everyday') were related to dietary life. Eleven other questions ('self-rated health status', 'deep sleep', 'smoking', 'frequency of drinking', 'stress levels', 'health-related fitness levels', 'pounding of the heart', 'strange feelings on the skin', 'interfere with daily life', 'menopause will bring you a chance to see the life in a different perspective', and 'body mass index') were selected as valid questions. For the response scale for each question, 5 point Likert scale was used to make total 100 point score.
This study is the first attempt to develop a health status assessment tool for middle aged women based on their dietary patterns. We conclude that this tool is expected to be a useful and practical tool in the field.


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  • Food consumption frequency of Korean adults based on whether or not having chewing difficulty using 2013–2016 KNHANES by sex-stratified comparative analysis
    Mi Jeong Kim
    Nutrition Research and Practice.2020; 14(6): 637.     CrossRef
  • Field Application and Evaluation of Health Status Assessment Tool based on Dietary Patterns for Middle-Aged Women
    Hye-Jin Lee, Kyung-Hea Lee
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2018; 23(4): 277.     CrossRef
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A comparison of Dietary Habits and Influencing Factors for Vegetable Preferences of Adolescents in Gyeongnam Province
Suhyang Kwak, Taejung Woo, Kyoung Ae Lee, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2015;20(4):259-272.   Published online August 31, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
A higher consumption of vegetables is emphasized as the core component of most dietary guidelines. Thus, this research investigated the dietary habits and influencing factors of vegetable preferences of adolescents.
This study was conducted by using a self-administered questionnaire. 400 students from two high schools in Gyeongnam (193 boys, 207 girls) participated in the survey. The questionnaire consisted of the following variables: dietary habit, dietary action guide and factors based on Social Cognitive Theory (SCT).
The dietary habits of subjects showed significant differences depending on whether they prefer vegetables or not. The subjects in the group who liked vegetables had better dietary habits than the other group. Also, the study determined that the most important reason for liking or disliking vegetables is due to the taste. In the practice of dietary guidelines, the group of subjects who liked vegetables followed dietary guidelines more closely than the other group (p < 0.001). When the factors based on SCT were analyzed, personal factors showed significant differences between the groups: outcome expectation (p < 0.001), self-efficacy (p < 0.001) and affective attitude (p < 0.001). Personal factors and rated vegetable preferences showed a significant correlation in multiple regression analysis (F=42.015, p < 0.001).
These results showed that vegetable preference is associated with a key point of desirable dietary habits among subjects. In order to increase vegetable preference or consumption, it is important to focus on strengthening not only self-efficacy of students, but also affective attitude of vegetable.


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  • Development of evaluation items for adolescents’ dietary habits and nutritional practices reflecting eating behaviors and food environment
    Jimin Lim, Hye Ji Seo, Jieun Oh
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2024; 57(1): 136.     CrossRef
  • Analysis of socio-demographic and dietary factors associated with fruit and vegetable consumption among Korean adolescents: use of data from the 7th and 8th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (2016–2019)
    Bokyeong Yun, Seunghee Kye
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2024; 57(3): 292.     CrossRef
  • Factors affecting sugar intake in adults based on the social cognitive theory
    Kilye Kim, Yeon-Kyung Lee
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2024; 57(1): 120.     CrossRef
  • Factors influencing the consumption of convenience foods among Korean adolescents: analysis of data from the 15th (2019) Korea Youth Risk Behavior Web-based Survey
    Seul Ki Park, Ji Hyun Lee
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2020; 53(3): 255.     CrossRef
  • The Influence of Social Media Affinity on Eating Attitudes and Body Dissatisfaction in Philippine Adolescents
    Shannen Tadena, So Ra Kang, Shin-Jeong Kim
    Child Health Nursing Research.2020; 26(1): 121.     CrossRef
  • Home Meal Replacement Use and Eating Habits of Adults in One-Person Households
    Mi-Kyeong Choi, Eun-Sun Park, Mi-Hyun Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2019; 24(6): 476.     CrossRef
  • Relationships among Skeletal Muscle Mass, Health Related Factors, Nutrient Intake, and Physical Activities in Male Adolescents: Based on the 5th (2009-2011) Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES)
    In-Kyung Jung, Jung-Hyun Kim
    The Korean Journal of Community Living Science.2018; 29(2): 185.     CrossRef
  • Study on Perception and Preference of Vegetable Intake of Alienated Children in Gyeongbuk Area according to Gender and Grade
    Won-Hui Choe, Eun-Soon Lyu, Kyung-A Lee
    Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science.2018; 34(4): 394.     CrossRef
  • Analysis of health habit and hair mineral nutrition status of media addicted adolescent
    Hee-Sook Lim, Soon-Kyung Kim
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2018; 51(4): 295.     CrossRef
  • Development of NQ-A, Nutrition Quotient for Korean Adolescents, to assess dietary quality and food behavior
    Hye-Young Kim, Jung-Sug Lee, Ji-Yun Hwang, Sehyug Kwon, Hae Rang Chung, Tong-Kyung Kwak, Myung-Hee Kang, Young-Sun Choi
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2017; 50(2): 142.     CrossRef
  • Factors affecting vegetable preference in adolescents: stages of change and social cognitive theory
    Taejung Woo, Kyung-Hea Lee
    Nutrition Research and Practice.2017; 11(4): 340.     CrossRef
  • Status of Dietary Life Related Knowledge, Self-Efficacy, Food Preference and Dietary Behavior of Preschoolers in Kyunggi Area
    A Reum Lee, Ye Lee Yu, Hye Jin Kim, Kyung A Kim, Kyung Won Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2016; 21(3): 274.     CrossRef
  • Gender Differences in Adolescents' Dietary Perceptions and Practices
    Taejung Woo, Hye-Jin Lee, Kyoung Ae Lee, Seung Min Lee, Kyung-Hea Lee
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2016; 21(2): 165.     CrossRef
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The relationship between Physical Growth and Major Sources of Serum Vitamin D among Hospitalized Children of Changwon City
Haeyoung Kang, Eunsil Her, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2015;20(3):197-207.   Published online June 30, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study was conducted to investigate the effects of the sources of vitamin D (duration of exposure to sunlight, intake of major food sources for vitamin D or vitamin D supplements) on the serum 25-(OH) D3 levels, and the physical growth of a child.
Subjects were 296 children aged 1 to 5 years who visited S hospital located in Changwon City. Survey data collection was carried out by direct interview method, and the biochemical data were collected using hospital records.
The study subjects were divided into three groups according to their levels of serum 25-(OH) D3 (deficient, relatively insufficient, sufficient) and their percentage were 48.3%, 44.3% and 7.4% respectively. The average concentration of serum 25-(OH) D3 was 20.41 +/- 6.55 ng/mL, which was relatively insufficient. The average duration of exposure to sunlight was 58.86 +/- 49.18 minutes/day. A total score of vitamin D major food sources was 46.71 points (full marks 153), and the most frequently consumed food items were milk, eggs, and cheese. Thirty-four percent of the subjects took vitamin D supplements and their dose were 11.96 microg/day. Three vitamin D sources in sufficient group were higher than deficient or relatively insufficient group significantly. Intake of vitamin D supplements showed positive relation (+) and high explanation power (R2= 0.288) on serum 25-(OH) D3 concentration, but intake of vitamin D major food sources (+) and the duration of exposure to sunlight (+) had a low explanation power (R2= 0.068). The relations between serum 25-(OH) D3 concentration and physical growth (height and weight) were shown as negative (??, and their explanation powers were low as 7.3% and 5.9% respectively.
This study results can be useful when discussing the intake standard of vitamin D and the effective intake method for children. In addition, it will be helpful to build the children's nutrition policy and to plan the nutrition education program to improve the vitamin D status in children.
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The relationship between Intake of Health Foods and Dietary Behavior in Middle-Aged Women
Mi Hee Kim, Hye Jin Lee, Mi Jeong Kim, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2014;19(5):436-447.   Published online October 31, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The purpose of this study was to investigate the health food consumption patterns and their relationship to dietary behavior in middle-aged women (45-60 years).
The exclusive face-to-face interviews by well-trained interviewers guaranteed a scientific data collection and the quality of survey data of 731 women. Subjects were divided into two groups according to the intake of the health foods, 'Intake' group (> or = 3.2, n = 488) and 'Non-intake' group (n = 243). Data were analyzed using the SPSS 20.0 program.
The average age of the subjects was 49.8 years and 66.8% of subjects were taking the health foods. Vitamins and minerals were consumed by the subjects. The major reason for intake of health foods was that they provide nutrient supplements may prevent diseases. More than 70% of the subjects reported checking nutrition information, ingredients, recommended daily intakes, instructions, when they bought the health foods. The average dietary life score of the intake group was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than that of the non-intake group. In analysis of exploratory factors of dietary life, the intake group showed significantly higher score (p < 0.001) in 'moderation of food intake' among the 4 exploratory factors.
These results showed that women who took health foods had better dietary behavior than others suggesting a positive relation between the dietary behavior and the health food consumption. Therefore, we suggest that developing guidelines and then educating women about those guidelines could improve the ability of choosing health foods appropriately for their own benefit.


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  • Association of milk and dairy product consumption with the incidence of cardio-cerebrovascular disease incidence in middle-aged and older Korean adults: a 16-year follow-up of the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study
    Yeseung Jeong, Kyung Won Lee, Hyekyeong Kim, Yuri Kim
    Nutrition Research and Practice.2023; 17(6): 1225.     CrossRef
  • The Association between 10-Year Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Diseases Risk Score Calculated Using 2013 American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association Guidelines and Serum 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Level among Aged 40–79 Years in Korea: The Sixth K
    Mun Hee Kim, Young Sang Kim, Hye Jin Oh, Yu Ri Kwon, Hye Won Kim
    Korean Journal of Family Medicine.2018; 39(3): 174.     CrossRef
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Characteristics of the Health Factors in 45~60 Year Old Korean Women related to Menopausal Stages: Based on 2008~2009 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Hye Jin Lee, Kwang Hyun Cho, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2012;17(4):450-462.   Published online August 31, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
We analyzed data from the combined 2008~2009 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) to compare the health factors related to menopausal stages in 45~60 year old Korean women. In this study, we classified the subjects into a premenopausal group (n = 439) and a postmenopausal group (n = 683). In the postmenopausal group, age was higher (p < 0.001), monthly income (p < 0.01) and education levels (p < 0.001) were significantly lower than in the premenopausal group. Body fat % and waist circumferences were also higher in the postmenopausal group than in the premenopausal group. The serum glucose (p < 0.05), total cholesterol (p < 0.001), LDL-cholesterol (p < 0.001), triglyceride (p < 0.001), GOT (p < 0.001), GPT (p < 0.001) in the postmenopausal group were higher than in the premenopausal group. The postmenopausal group showed a significantly lower quality of life compared to the premenopausal group (p < 0.01). With regard to dietary quality, nutrient adequacy ratio (NAR) of vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2 and niacin in the postmenopausal group were significantly lower than in the premenopausal group. The levels of glucose, total cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, and triglyceride showed a significantly positive correlation with age, waist circumferences, body fat % and BMI. The 45~60 year old Korean women in this study showed high levels of obesity and serum lipids. Also, intakes of the vitamins and minerals of the women did not meet the level of Dietary reference intakes for Koreans. Therefore, nutritional risk may be high in the women, especially in postmenopausal women. In order to prevent the health risk, women's health care including the quality of the meal should be considered.


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  • Analysis of Physical Characteristics and Nutrient Intakes according to Menopause and Number of Years Passed Using National Health and Nutrition Survey (2013-2019) Data
    Su Gyung Kim, Bok-Mi Jung
    The Korean Journal of Community Living Science.2023; 34(2): 235.     CrossRef
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The Related Factors Influencing on Self-rated Health Level of Middle-aged Women
Hyejin Lee, Kyung Hea Lee, Eunkyung Kim, Mi Jung Kim, Suk Man Hwang
Korean J Community Nutr 2012;17(3):290-301.   Published online June 30, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This survey of 836 midlife women (51.0 +/- 4.0 yrs) was undertaken by exclusively a face to face interview by well-trained interviewers guarantying data collection of higher quality. This survey data was analyzed using the SPSS program. The main purpose of this study was to describe the factors affecting self-rated health status, including dietary habits and physical . mental . social factors. In the self-rated health status of a 'good' group, age was lower (p < 0.05), monthly income was higher (p < 0.01), dietary habits score (p < 0.001) and appetite (p < 0.001) and the degree of movement (p < 0.001) and life satisfaction (p < 0.001), marital intimacy (p < 0.001) and relationship satisfaction with their children (p < 0.001) were significantly higher than the 'bad' group. The level of depression (p < 0.001) and severe feeling of menopausal symptoms (p < 0.001) were significantly higher in the 'poor' group. The results of correlation analysis demonstrated that educational level (r = 0.069, p < 0.05),income (r = 0.157, p < 0.001), eating habits (r = 0.235, p < 0.001), appetite (r = 0.263, p < 0.001), life satisfaction (r = 0.197, p < 0.001), marital intimacy (r = 0.167, p < 0.001), child relationship satisfaction (r = 0.149, p < 0.001), positive attitude toward menopause (r = 0.070, p < 0.05) showed a positive correlation, but depression (r = -0.122, p < 0.001) and menopausal symptoms (r = -0.292, p < 0.001) showed a negative association with self-rated health status. The predictable factors affecting the self-rated health status of middle-aged women were examined by multiple regression analysis. The 'menopausal symptoms - physical discomfort' was the most important variables followed by the 'appetite', 'eating habits', 'menopause symptoms - sensory problems', 'BMI', 'positive attitude toward menopause' and 'high marital intimacy'. These results showed that the 'appetite' and 'eating habits' are important factors affecting the self-rated health status. Therefore, a program of dietary education must be considered for the effective health education and counseling of middle-aged women.


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  • Self-rated health according to change of lifestyle after COVID-19: Differences between age groups
    Dan Bi Lee, Jung Hyun Ahn, Jin Young Nam
    Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion.2022; 39(2): 1.     CrossRef
  • Role Stress and Sense of Control Predict Using Food to Cope With Stress in Midlife Women
    Dana R. Riedy, Ashley MacPherson, Natalie D. Dautovich
    Journal of Aging and Health.2021; 33(9): 732.     CrossRef
  • Food consumption frequency of Korean adults based on whether or not having chewing difficulty using 2013–2016 KNHANES by sex-stratified comparative analysis
    Mi Jeong Kim
    Nutrition Research and Practice.2020; 14(6): 637.     CrossRef
  • Influence of Midlife Health Condition and Awareness of Successful Aging on Preparation for Old Age
    Eun Ho Ha, Young Mi Lee
    Korean Journal of Adult Nursing.2020; 32(5): 472.     CrossRef
  • Analysis of Convergent Factors on Subjective Health Status of Patients with Depression
    Myoung-Jin Kwon, Young-Ju Kim
    Journal of Digital Convergence.2016; 14(6): 309.     CrossRef
  • Health Status Assessment Tool Development based on Dietary Patterns in Middle-Aged Women
    Hye-Jin Lee, Kyung-Hea Lee
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2016; 21(1): 37.     CrossRef
  • Acculturation, Food Intake and Dietary Behaviors of Chinese College Students in Busan by Residential Period    
    Fangfang Song, Mi Jeong Kim
    Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life.2015; 25(4): 594.     CrossRef
  • The Impacts of Dietary Habits on Self-perceived Health-related Physical Fitness in Middle-aged Women -Focused on Changwon Province-
    Hye-Jin Lee, Kyung-Hea Lee
    Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.2014; 43(6): 916.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Cultural Facilities and City Parks on the Regional Suicide Rates in Korea
    Soo-Mi Cho, Hyung-Deok Shin
    Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society.2014; 15(8): 4874.     CrossRef
  • A Study on Dietary Behaviors, Health-Related Lifestyle of Adult Visitors at Public Health Centers in Gyeonggi Urban Area
    Jong-Sook Kwon, Kyungmin Kim, Hyun-Chang Seo, Yoonna Lee, Seunggeon Lim, Young-Sug Choi
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2013; 18(6): 611.     CrossRef
  • A Study on the Knowledge, Attitudes, Cancer Preventive Dietary Behavior, and Lifestyles of Adults in the Jeonbuk Area
    Jeongok Rho, Suyoun Choi
    Korean Journal of Human Ecology.2013; 22(1): 201.     CrossRef
  • Evaluation of Diet Quality according to Self-Rated Health Status of Korean Middle-Aged Women -Based on 2008~2009 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey-
    Hye-Jin Lee, Kyung-Hea Lee
    Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.2013; 42(9): 1395.     CrossRef
  • Anthropometric Index, Dietary Habits and Nutrient Intake of the Oldest-old Population Aged 95 and Over Living in Seoul
    Chung Shil Kwak, Ji Hyun Cho, Miyong Yon, Sang Chul Park
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2012; 17(5): 603.     CrossRef
  • Health-Related Factors Influencing the Quality of Life of Rural Elderly Subjects - Activities of Daily Living, Cognitive Functions, Prevalence of Chronic Diseases and Nutritional Assessment
    Mee Sook Lee
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2012; 17(6): 772.     CrossRef
  • Characteristics of the Health Factors in 45~60 Year Old Korean Women related to Menopausal Stages - Based on 2008~2009 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey -
    Hye-Jin Lee, Kwang-Hyun Cho, Kyung-Hea Lee
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2012; 17(4): 450.     CrossRef
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Climacteric and Menopausal Women's Beliefs on Daily Meals and Food Supplements - A Focus Group Interview Study -
Jeong Soon Pyun, Mi Jeong Kim, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2011;16(2):239-252.   Published online April 30, 2011
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The aim of the study was to explore the current status as well as personal views, attitudes, and beliefs regarding daily meal consumption (DM) and food supplement use (FS) in conjunction with the improvement of health condition of the women. Eight focus group interviews were performed and the interview material was condensed systematically with the aim to extract core meanings related to DM, FS, and menopause-associated health. Participants were 40 in number and showed ages ranging from 45 and 60 years with various menopausal status. Current status and beliefs about DM, resources of purchase motivation of FS, types of FS that are currently used, and perceived effects and personal beliefs about FS are discussed. Theme content analysis revealed 3 themes for beliefs about DM, 5 themes for beliefs pertaining FS, and 4 themes for the association between DM and FS. Non-dietary factors such as positive mental attitude and exercise appeared to be also important to maintain good health. The bottom line message from this study may be that proper nutrition through daily meals is essential for good health, while food supplement are used merely to supplement the diet. Findings from this study may deepen our understanding of how women who translate their lifespan through "menopause" perceive the roles and meaning of DM and FS, suggesting health professionals need to monitor and evaluate DM and implement strategies targeting the improvement of daily meal quality of middle and older aged women.


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    Soon Nam Choi, Kwang Hyun Jho, Nam Yong Chung
    Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life.2017; 27(5): 500.     CrossRef
  • Acculturation, Food Intake and Dietary Behaviors of Chinese College Students in Busan by Residential Period    
    Fangfang Song, Mi Jeong Kim
    Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life.2015; 25(4): 594.     CrossRef
  • Foodservice Satisfaction of Patients over 60 according to the Type of Foodservice Operation: The Case of B Hospital
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    The Korean Journal of Community Living Science.2015; 26(4): 683.     CrossRef
  • Dietary Habits and Climacteric Symptoms according to the Level of Food Supplement Use of Middle-aged Women
    Mi Jeong Kim, Kyung-Hea Lee
    Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.2013; 42(7): 1054.     CrossRef
  • Development of Food Safety and Nutrition Education Contents for the Elderly - by Focus Group Interview and Delphi Technique -
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  • The Related Factors Influencing on Self-rated Health Level of Middle-aged Women
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    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2012; 17(3): 290.     CrossRef
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Nutrient Intake and Risk of Metabolic Syndrome in Male Smokers
Myeong Ok Kim, Hye Jin Lee, Eunju Park, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2010;15(6):783-795.   Published online December 31, 2010
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was intended to investigate the risk of metabolic syndrome (MS) in healthy 92 male smokers (mean age: 44.4 +/- 7.8 yrs). We investigated the anthropometric assessment and dietary intake survey for 2 days by 24-recall method, also blood pressure and serum lipids were measured. The average numbers of cigarettes smoking a day were 21.3/d, smoking duration were 21.5 years. The proportion of fat energy was 24.9% and intakes of vitamin B2, folate, calcium, potassum and fiber were lower than KDRI. The body mass index (BMI) and body fat % were 24.8, 23.9% respectively. The systolic (134.1 +/- 1.4 mmHg) and the diastolic blood (87.9 +/- 1.1 mmHg) pressure were in borderline hypertension. Among biochemical parameters, TG (173.6 +/- 9.4 mg/dL) and fasting blood glucose (109.0 +/- 2.4 mg/dL) levels were out of normal values. The most occurred problem among the risk factors related to MS was the borderline hypertension (63%) in subjects. Regarding the correlations of anthropometric data with biochemical factors, TG was significantly correlated with the BMI, body fat % and waist circumference. Smoking years showed positive correlation with AI. These results suggest that the smoking habit has significant relations with the risk factors of MS. Therefore, quitting is necessary to prevent MS, and nutrition education and dietary management program are required to prevent the degenerative disease.
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Development of an Educational Web Site and e-Learning System for Elementary School Students to Reduce Sugar, Natrium and Fat Intakes
Hyung Woo Kim, Kyoung Ae Lee, Eun Jin Cho, Jong Chan Chae, Yoo Kyeong Kim, Sungsug Lee, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2010;15(1):36-49.   Published online February 28, 2010
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was carried out to reduce children's sugar, natrium and fat intakes and establish their healthy lifestyle. To achieve these goals, we developed an educational web site and an e-learning system. The targets of this web site are children, parents and educators. This site has various information about sugar, natrium and fat, and has special menus for each target: such as the 'Let's study' for children, 'Guides for child's eating' for parents, and 'Educational softwares, Lesson plans/materials, and Textbooks/Teaching guides' for educators. We developed three nutrient characters and applied them to the web site. We provided information in the form of texts, images, flash and sounds. This site has special boards in 'Nutrition cafe' menu to interchange information or their successful stories between the connecters. We developed an e-learning system with two courses. One is for junior elementary students and the other is for senior students. Children can study each nutrient step by step in a course according to their academic ability and concern. Also, they can evaluate their academic achievement in this system, which was uploaded into 'Let's study' in children menu in the web site. Conclusively this web site and e-learning system could contribute to reducing children's sugar, natrium and fat intakes by helping children study them systematically and effectively by on-line system. We expect this e-learning system would be a new nutrition education system to make nutrition education more active.
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Development of Contents and Textbooks for the Education to Reduce Elementary Students' Fat Intake
Yoo Kyeong Kim, Ju Young Kim, Myeong Hwa Cha, Kyoung Ae Lee, Sungsug Lee, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2009;14(2):158-167.   Published online April 30, 2009
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This study was conducted to reduce children's fat intake and to establish healthy dietary lifestyles. To achieve these goals, we searched, collected, and analyzed the materials related to the fat education, based on which the research personnel-professors and graduate students in nutrition and child education and elementary school teachers- discussed to figure out major topics, objectives, and detailed contents and activities appropriate for fat intake reduction. We also organized an advisory committee composed of 15 professionals in related fields to discuss the adequacy and validity of the specific contents. Finally, we systematically organized the contents and developed children's textbooks and teacher's guidebooks. Considering the different cognitive development stages of junior and senior elementary students we developed two different textbooks for each of them which are easy to read and understand, fun to play with lots of activities, and designed to practice into daily life. The contents cover three major topics-the concept of lipid, lipid in food, lipid in life and are composed of 6 units in total. To help teachers understand and and to instruct, teacher's guidebooks contain an overview of the education, specific information and practical guidelines for each class. We developed these education materials with the aim of lowering children's fat consumption and eventually promoting their health welfare; hopefully we expect these materials would be useful for children's nutritional education in the field.
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Interrelations Among Beverage Intake, Food Behavior and Personality in Adolescents
Eun Sil Her, Kyung Hea Lee, Eun Young Bae
Korean J Community Nutr 2008;13(2):189-198.   Published online April 30, 2008
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This study investigated the influences of the beverage intake on food behavior and personality for 1295 adolescents. The results were as follows. The favorite beverage was 'fruit juice', and preference of 'coffee' was the lowest. 'Milk and dairy product' was highest and 'milkshake' was lowest in intake frequency of beverage. The preference correlated positively(r = 0.391) with the intake frequency of beverage, especially high in 'green tea and black tea'(r = 0.622), 'coffee'(r = 0.581), 'carbonated drink'(r = 0.538), and 'milk and dairy product'(r = 0.501). The explanation power(R2) of beverage preference on beverage intake was 0.153. The explanation power(R(2)) of beverage intake on food behavior was 0.127, and 'carbonated drink' and 'coffee' as well as 'milkshake' had a negative influence on food behavior: however, 'milk and dairy product', 'green tea and black tea', and 'fruit juice' had a positive influence on food behavior. The relationship of beverage intake and sociality was very low(R(2)= 0.013), and 'isotonic drink' and 'green tea and black tea' had a positive influence on sociality. The relationship between beverage intake and anger expression was also very low. 'Coffee' showed a positive relationship with anger-in. 'Carbonated drink' and 'milkshake' showed a positive result with anger-out. 'Milkshake' showed a negative relation with anger-control, but 'green tea and black tea' and 'milk and dairy product' showed a positive relation. From these results, it was necessary to develop the practical nutritioneducation program on proper beverage choice for adolescents leading to better metal and physical status.
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Interrelations Among Fast Food Intake, Food Behavior, and Personality in Adolescents
Eun Sil Her, Kyung Hea Lee, Eun Young Bae, Eun Soon Lyu
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(6):714-723.   Published online December 31, 2007
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Especially, the teenage period, an important lifetime to develop both physically and mentally, needs to be helpful to promote the growth of the body and to keep a well-balanced mind through a balanced and nourishing diet. It is well known that the western style fast food is the most liked meal by teenagers. Wrong recognition about fast food and its frequent intake by adolescents can lead to unbalanced diet and food behaviors which may also connect with a poor impact on their personalities as well as their physical health. In this study, therefore, relationships between fast food intake frequency and food behavior, sociability, and personality, such as anger expression, were surveyed from 1,295 adolescents (666 in Seoul, 316 in Changwon, and 313 in rural communities), and then analyzed using SPSS program. The results are shown as follows. The fast food preference score and the fast food intake frequency score showed no differences between male students (22.9/30, 14.4/30 respectively) and female students (23.0/30, 14.0/30 respectively). But, the fast food preference score correlated positively with the intake frequency score (r = 0.304) significantly (p < 0.001). The more frequently eating of fast food group showed significantly lower scores (r = -0.233, p < 0.001) in food behaviors. The frequency of fast food intake had no relationships with sociability, but it had a significantly effect on anger expression (r = 0.213, p < 0.001) and control (r =-0.147, p < 0.001). From these results, we could see the necessity of various nutrition education programs to build proper eating-out habits and also more studies are needed to find the relationships between fast food intake and growth and personality.
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Development of the Computer-assisted Nutrition Education Program of Eating-out Guidance for Teenagers
Eun Young Bae, Kyung Hea Lee, Eun Soon Lyu, Eun Sil Her
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(4):462-476.   Published online August 31, 2007
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study aimed to develop a nutrition education internet program for correcting the eating-out behaviorial problems of youth. A survey was performed to investigate the eating-out behavior patterns of youth by questionnaires. A nutrition education program was developed on the basis of the survey results, and evaluated by teenagers. The results of the developed homepage are summarized as follows: The contents of this program ( consist of 'x Health (Teenager, My Health, Healthy life, Beautiful life)', '+ Nutrition (To find slow foods, Fast foods campaign, Selecting fast foods, The best menu for eating-out, Recipes for health, Golden bell nutrition quiz)', '/ Information (Diet mini-homepage, Q & A, My knowhow, Game, Community)' and 'Basic Menu (home, Log in, Information and news, Mini-homepage, Site map, Free bulletin board)'. It can be used as educational material for dietary behaviorial changes in school. Also teachers and parents could get information on eating-out menus. Through this site, we anticipate contributing to nutritional health promotion by correcting the eating-out habits of youth.
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Effect-Evaluation on Nutrition Education in Related Curriculums for Elementary School Children: Focused on Change of Dietary Habits
Eun Sil Her, Sang Gyun Lee, Hye Jin Park, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(6):795-804.   Published online December 31, 2005
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The purpose of this study was to develop of nutritional education activities and effect evaluation in related curriculums for all Dongbu Elementary School children in Jinhae by the teacher in charge. This educational purpose was to build a desirable dietary behavior for optimal growth and health in elementary school children. The educational program contents were developed according to 1) selection of content related curriculums 2) analysis of contents related on dietary habits by grade 3) preparation teaching plans to build desirable dietary habits 4) development of teaching manual by turns. Twelve hours of nutrition education at all school classes were done from March 2 to December 10 2004 in Dongbu Elementary School in Jinhae, Gyeongnam. The education effects were evaluated through the questionnaire surveys before and after the education and their comparative analysis. The results of this study were summarized as follows : Forty percent of the underweight group, 22.8% of the normal group, 42.2% of the obese group had the wrong perceptions on their body figures, but after nutrition education 80.5% of the underweight group, 94.3% of the normal group, 97.9% of the obese group gleaned the correct perceptions on their body figures (p<0.001). As the effects of the education, the subjects who exercise more than 3 times in a week increased in all groups (p<0.01 - 0.001), notably in the obese group. Meal regularity (p<0.001), skipping meals (p<0.001), eating rate and snack selection patterns (p<0.01 - p<0.001) also improved by nutrition education. We could also observe the effects of the nutrition education through the affirmative statements which appeared in their dietary records. These results showed a possibility of nutrition education activities in related curriculums to improve in dietary habits of school children. Next year, we will start with the system of nutrition teachers in elementary school, but nutrition teacher cannot undertake the task of teaching and food service management alone. Because of that, we intend to develop this program as an alternative proposal for the nutrition education in elementary schools.
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The Factors Associated with Weight Control Experiences among Adolescents: Based on Self-esteem, Body-cathexis, Attitudes toward the Body, Anthropometric Characteristics and Perceptions of Body Shape
Eun Sil Her, Hyun Jin Kang, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(5):658-666.   Published online October 31, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was carried out to investigate among adolescents (total = 729) the relationship between their self-esteem, body-cathexis, their attitudes toward the importance of their bodies, their anthropometric characteristics, their perceptions of their body shapes and their experiences with weight control. The results are summarized as follows: The mean values for self-esteem and body-cathexis were generally low, but these values were significantly higher among boys than girls (p < 0.01 - 0.001). However the mean values for their attitudes toward the importance of their bodies were relatively high and were significantly higher among girls than boys (p < 0.01). The mean values for Percent Ideal Body Weight (PIBW) and Body Mass Index (BMI) were normal and no significant differences between the genders were observed. The distribution of the PIBW and the BMI values showed a higher rate for normal weights among the girlsand a higher rate for underweightedness and obesity among the boys (p < 0.01). With regard to their perception of their body image, among the boys, their current figures were almost identical with their idea of an ideal figure, but among the girls, their idea of an ideal figure was thinner than their current figure. The girls were more dissatisfied with their own body image than the boys (p < 0.001). Fifty-four percent of the subjects had previous weight control experience, and the girls had significantly more experience than the boys (p < 0.001). Their main reason for practising weight control was to lose weight (65.3%). Those who had more weight control experience had lower satisfaction with their body shapes, higher PIBW, higher BMIs or currently had fatter figures. Their standard image of their figures was influenced by TV (40.3%) and friends (36.9%). There was a weakly positive correlation between their self-esteem and their satisfaction with their body shapes, and a weakly negative correlation between their satisfaction with their body shapes and their attitudes toward the importance of their bodies. These results suggest the necessity for an educational program for adolescents as to foster a positive body image. Such a program should consider psychological factors such as selfesteem, satisfaction with body shape and attitudes toward the importance of the body
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The Status of the Utilization Internet and Dietary Information by Elementary School Dietitians in the Gyeongnam and Jeonbuk Areas
Eun Sil Her, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(4):595-602.   Published online August 31, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was carried out to investigate the status of the utilization of internet and dietary information by elementary school dietitians (total=201) The results were summarized as follows: All subjects used the internet regularly and the major purpose they mentioned for using it was "data search" (72.3%). Those having a frequency of using the internet 6 to 7 times per week were 46.7% of the subjects and the majority indicated the duration of their use of the internet was "<2 hours" (68.5%). They mainly used the internet at "school" (81.8%), and their favorite search engines were "Daum" (41.1%) and "Yahoo" (34.7%). They stated that the organization that offered reliable internet information were those "related to society and organizations" (36.9%) and "educational institutions" (33.8%). Ninety-five percent of the subjects searched for dietary information mainly "for public affairs" (80.0%) Their degree of satisfaction when searching for information was high (78.7%). Those dissatisfied with internet sites when searching for dietary information give the following reasons: "poor information" (39.1%) and "slow updates" (25.4%). They acquired information on nutrition and health management mainly through "the internet" (63.6%) The most frequently requested information about public affairs was on "Materials for nutritional education" (38.6%) and "up-to-date nutritional information" (16.0%) . The desirable update periods for websites was "1-3 months" (51.8%) and "<1 month" (30.6%), and the favorite site colors were "blue" (37.8%) and "green" (37.8%). The results of this study showed that, although the internet usage was high, the dietitians were dissatisfied with the information obtained. Therefore, the information donors should find out what kind of dietary information is needed by elementary school dietitians.
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A Survey of the Nutrients and a Price Comparison of Korean Style Full Course Meals: Based on Korean Restaurants in Changwon City and in Luxurious Hotels in Seoul
Jeong Soon Pyun, Tae Hee Kim, Hae Won Park, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(3):327-339.   Published online June 30, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
The objectives of this study were to conduct preliminary research to investigate full course meals in Korean style restaurants in order: i) to analyze the nutrient contents of full course meals per servings, and ii) by analyzing the above, to examine the amount and the quality of the foods served in the full course meals by two different types of Korean style restaurants. A total of 27 restaurants participated in this study, 7 restaurants from the luxurious hotels in Seoul and 20 restaurants from the City of Changwon. A key finding was that restaurant patrons tended to overconsume nutrients as compared to the Korean Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA), and restaurants generated large amounts of food wastes due to the excess food served. Other findings were as follows: 1) Compared with 1/3 or the Korean RDA, all the nutrients were oversupplied. The average nutrient ratios were about 3.7 times higher than 113 of the Korean RDA in calories, about 9 times higher in proteins, 10 times higher in phosphorus, 7 times higher in Vitamin Bl, and 12 times higher in Vitamin E. 2) Seventy-five percent (n = 20) of the restaurants served within the range of thirty to forty dishes, whereas most of the hotel restaurants (70%) served twenty dishes or fewer. 3) The average carbohydrate: protein: fat (CPF) ratio of caloric nutrients was 40:26:34. This study concluded that: i) Korean style full course meals provide too much food, nutrients, and calories, resulting in an over- or unbalanced nutrient intake, and ii) the Korean style full course meals consisted of a high-protein, high-fat and high-caloric intake, which is similar to a westernized caloric nutrient pattern. Such over -or unbalanced nutrient intake could cause chronic degenerative problems such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. These findings indicate that restaurants serving Korean style full course meals should carefully plan their menus in order to provide their customers with balanced meals. They should also be strongly encouraged to play an active role in improving their customers' nutritional status, as well as reducing the restaurants wastage of food. Lastly, further research should be conducted to improve the quality of the menus in Korean restaurants.
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Utilization Status of Internet and Dietary Information of School Children in Gyeongnam and Jeonbuk Areas
Eun Sil Her, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(1):15-25.   Published online February 28, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was carried out to investigate the utilization status of internet and dietary information by gender (boys : 442, girls : 461) in school children (total : 903). The results were summarized as follows. The most of children used internet regularly (98.1%) and major purpose of using were mentioned as 'game (39.0%)' and 'social intercourse (49.5%)'. The duration of internet use was '< 2hours (80.9%)'. They used internet mainly at 'home (88.8%)', and favorite search engines were 'Yahoo (54.2%)' and 'Daum (31.1%)'. The searching experience on dietary information was from only 35.6% of subjects mainly 'for homework (39.6%)' and 'for health (36.9%)'. The satisfaction degree of searched information was 'high (79.5%)'. Dissatisfactory reasons of internet site for dietary information were pointed out to be 'bring little interest (28.9)', 'difficult contents (19.2%)', and 'poor information (18.2%)'. Only fifteen % of subjects had experience of nutrition counseling using internet, and purpose of counseling was mainly 'for homework (51.4%)' and 'for health problem (24.3%)'. The problems for nutritional counseling site were pointed out to be 'difficult answer content (31.7%)', 'insincere answer (28.6%)' and 'poor answer content (25.4%)'. They acquire information of nutrition and health management mainly through 'internet (43.7%)'. 'Growth and nutrition (28.3%)', 'improvement in studying ability (13.8%)', 'right weight control (13.3%)' and 'cooking (12.8%)' were most frequently asked information, They had a preference for 'game (40.5%)', 'animation (29.9%)' and 'quiz (18.1%)' as learning method tools. The favorite site color was 'green (51.3%)'. The results of this study showed that although the internet use was very high, they used internet to search dietary information very seldom. Therefore, the information donor should find out what is the optimal tool, what kind of dietary information was needed for school children.
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Nutritional Education Status and Recognition of the Importance of Elementary School Dietitians in the Gyeongnam Area
Eun Sil Her, Hal La Yang, Hyun Sook Yoon, Kyung Hea Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(6):781-793.   Published online December 31, 2002
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was carried out to investigate the nutritional education status and the recognition of the importance of elementary school dietitians (N=183) in the Gyeongnam area. The results are summarized as follows. All subjects took part in nutritional education program, but the educational methods were passive, as in the case of "home correspondence" (80.8%) and "bulletin board poster" (16.4%), and the education frequency was very low as in "one time/month" (90.2%). The subjects thought "as an independent subject" (41.5%) and "as a related subjects" (35.1%) were suitable teaching venues for the nutritional education. They were very low in individual counseling (4.5%) for school children because of "lack of opportunity" (42.2%) and "heavy work load" (24.1%). However, most of the subjects wished that nutritional counseling could offered in the future (95.5%). The parents' experience of nutritional education was also low (34.3%). Information sources for nutritional education were mainly the "internet" (53.1%) and "re-educational materials" (25.0%). The available instructional materials included "printed materials" (96.7%), "exhibition bulletin materials" (70.3%) and "electronic materials" (46.4%). The preferred education materials were "exhibition bulletin materials" (32.2%), "printed materials" (29.2%), and "electronic materiaThis study was carried ls" (27.7%). However, materials they wished to purchase were "electronic materials" (54.5%) and "cubic materials" (26.0%). These results show a difference between the preferred materials and the possessed materials. Most school dietitians (98.4%) recognized the necessity of nutritional education with respect to "good table manners" (42.0%), "correction of food prejudices" (30.3%), and "proper nutrition for growth" (21.0%). Although they had a great interest in nutritional education, they had difficulty in cutting their learning into practice because of "heavy work load" (30.9%), "lack of a systematic curriculum" (25.2%), and "lack of a educational opportunity" (22.8%). Ninety five percent of subjects wished to have nutrition education taught as an independent subject. They pointed out "kindergarten" (60.0%) and "lower grades in elementary school" (33.9%) as the optimal starting times for nutritional education and "school dietitians" (91.3%) as suitable teachers for these programs. The required topics chosen by the subjects for nutritional education for children were "proper eating habits" (54.2%) and "nutritional problem" (31.5%). The dietitians thought "food prejudices" (44.7%), "eat too much processed and instant foods" (36.5%), and "obesity" (11.8%) were the most common nutritional problems among elementary school children. These results suggest the necessity of solving the nutritional problems in children by developing a nutritional education program. Along with this program, if dietitian assisted programs for parents were developed, the effects of nutritional education could definitely be increased.
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A Study on the Development of a Computer-Assisted Program for Elementary School Foodservice(II): Based on Foodservice Management
Kyung Hea Lee, Eun Sil Her
Korean J Community Nutr 2000;5(2):217-224.   Published online July 31, 2000
AbstractAbstract PDF
No Abstract available.
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A Study on the Development of a Computer-Assisted Program for Elementary School Foodservice(I)-Based on Foodservice Management
Eun Sil Her, Kyung Hea Lee, Kyung Hwa Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2000;5(2):208-216.   Published online July 31, 2000
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study is a part of a software program which was developed for efficient foodservice management of elementary school foodservice. The foodservice management system consists of general information, manu planning, inventory management, and printing of results. Advantages of software programs developed in this study, compared with previous elementary school foodservice programs are as follows. 1) This program can be used to foodservice and nutrition management at the same time. 2) The screen is designed as a homepage for convenience. 3) This program is useful in cycle menu planning. 4) Seasonal menu could be reflected in menu. 5) This program has the results printing function. 6) Data can be revisable. 7) This program can be used to middle and high school.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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