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Sook Mee Son 37 Articles
Effects of Low-Calorie Diet Including High Protein-Low Carbohydrate Protein Bar on Weight Loss and Serum Lipid Indicators in Overweight Women according to Dietary Compliance
Dasom Park, Hyun Joo Lee, Sook Mee Son
Korean J Community Nutr 2019;24(6):485-496.   Published online December 31, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of a 6-week low-calorie diet (LCD) program including high protein-low carbohydrate protein bar on weight loss, blood pressure, and blood lipid profile in 40 overweight women according to dietary compliance.
Subjects were 62 healthy overweight women (BMI ≥ 23.0 or body fat percentage ≥ 28%), aged 20~59 yrs who were provided a high protein-low carbohydrate protein bar (each 35 g, 154 kcal, protein energy %: 28.6%, carbohydrate energy %: 38.7%) as part of dinner for 6 weeks. Forty subjects who completed the whole diet program were categorized into high compliance (HC) group (days of eating protein bar ≥ 5 weeks) or low compliance (LC) group (days < 5 weeks).
Energy intake significantly decreased from 1,867.5 kcal at baseline to 1,137.4 kcal at 6 weeks for the HC group and from 1,971.7 kcal to 1,362.2 kcal for the LC group, respectively. On the other hand, a significant increase in protein energy percentage was observed in each group (HC group: 3.5%, LC group: 2.2%). Both groups showed significant decreases in weight (HC group: 1.8 kg, LC group: 1.1 kg), BMI, fat mass, systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, and LDL-cholesterol. Reduction of body fat percentage and diastolic blood pressure were only observed in the HC group.
The inclusion of a high protein-low carbohydrate protein bar as part of a low-calorie diet for a short period can be effective to achieve weight loss and concomitantly improve blood cholesterol level without serious physiological side effects. More evident results can be achieved by eating a diet with low calorie diet including high protein-low carbohydrate protein bar for more than 5 weeks.


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  • 규칙적 운동 수행에 따른 MZ세대의 고단백 식품 인식 및 섭취 패턴 비교 연구
    지선 김, 영일 박, 나미 주
    Korean Journal of Food and Cookery Science.2024; 40(5): 335.     CrossRef
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Risk of Metabolic Syndrome according to Intake of White Rice and Kimchi in Korean Adults: based on the 6th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2013–2015
Jin Su Kim, So Hyun Ahn, Sook Mee Son
Korean J Community Nutr 2018;23(6):525-537.   Published online December 31, 2018
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study was conducted to examine the relationship between white rice and Kimchi intakes and the risk of metabolic syndrome (Mets) in Korean adults.
Dietary intake and health data of 8289 subjects aged 19 years and over from the 2013–2015 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES) were used. Daily total intake of white rice and Kimchi was assessed by 24-hour recall data. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to estimate the risk of Mets according to the daily intake of white rice and Kimchi.
The highest intake of white rice and Kimchi was associated with a higher risk of metabolic syndrome (Q1 vs Q5, multivariable adjusted OR=1.45, 95% CI: 1.03–2.03) in women. In addition, a significantly increased risk of elevated blood pressure (multivariable adjusted P for trend 0.0459) was associated with a higher intake of white rice and Kimchi in women. There was no significant trend in the risk of metabolic syndrome according to the intake of white rice and Kimchi in men.
A higher intake of white rice and Kimchi was only associated with an increased risk of metabolic syndrome in women indicating it is necessary to consume more various food groups beside white rice and Kimchi, especially in women.


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  • Analysis of intake trends of kimchi, fruits and vegetables (1998–2020) and factors associated with the intake (2016–2020): based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
    Jiwon Jeong, Jungmin Park, Yu Kyung Lee, Sung Wook Hong, Sangah Shin
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2023; 56(4): 404.     CrossRef
  • The Relationship Between the Korean Adults Diet Evaluated Using Dietary Quality Indices and Metabolic Risk Factors: Based on the 2016 ~ 2019 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
    Chong-Yu Ding, Pil-Sook Park, Mi-Yeon Park
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2022; 27(3): 223.     CrossRef
  • Nutritional status and metabolic syndrome risk according to the dietary pattern of adult single-person household, based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
    Yu Been Keum, Qi Ming Yu, Jung-Sook Seo
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2021; 54(1): 23.     CrossRef
  • Association of Korean fermented cabbage kimchi consumption with an incidence of metabolic syndrome: 10-year follow-up results of the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study
    Suk Hyeon Seo, Jiyoun Hong, Im Huei Son, Young Hee Han, Taisun Hyun
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2019; 52(6): 569.     CrossRef
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Risk of Metabolic Syndrome according to Intakes of Vegetables and Kimchi in Korean Adults: Using the 5th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2010–2011
Jae Eun Yoo, Jin Su Kim, Sook Mee Son
Korean J Community Nutr 2017;22(6):507-519.   Published online December 31, 2017
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
The objective of this study was to examine the relations between total vegetable and Kimchi intakes and the risk of metabolic syndrome (Mets) in Korean adults.
This study used dietary intake and health data of 6668 subjects aged 20 years and over from the 2010–2011 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). Daily intakes of total vegetables and Kimchi were assessed by 24-hour recall data. The odds ratio of Mets risk according to daily intake of vegetables and Kimchi was analyzed, respectively.
The highest consumption of total vegetables was associated with a lower risk of abdominal obesity (multivariable adjusted OR=0.56, 95% CI: 0.33, 0.93) in men and lower risk of Mets (multivariable adjusted OR=0.67, 95% CI: 0.47, 0.94) in women. Kimchi consumption was not related to the risk of Mets in both men and in women. However, a higher intake of Kimchi was associated with an increased risk of elevated blood pressure (Q1 vs Q5, multivariable adjusted OR=1.34, 95% CI: 0.95, 1.90, P for trend= 0.0261) in women.
A higher intake of vegetables was associated with decreased risk of abdominal obesity and Mets in both men and women, respectively. A higher consumption of Kimchi was not related to the risk of Mets in both in men and in women. However, a higher intake of Kimchi was associated with an increased risk of elevated blood pressure in women.


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  • Association between Phthalate Exposure and Frailty among Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Repeated Panel Data Study
    Hongsoo Kim, Seyune Lee, Young-Il Jung, Yun-Chul Hong
    International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.2021; 18(4): 1985.     CrossRef
  • Association of Korean fermented cabbage kimchi consumption with an incidence of metabolic syndrome: 10-year follow-up results of the Korean Genome and Epidemiology Study
    Suk Hyeon Seo, Jiyoun Hong, Im Huei Son, Young Hee Han, Taisun Hyun
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2019; 52(6): 569.     CrossRef
  • Risk of Metabolic Syndrome according to Intake of White Rice and Kimchi in Korean Adults: based on the 6th Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2013–2015
    Jin-Su Kim, So Hyun Ahn, Sook Mee Son
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2018; 23(6): 525.     CrossRef
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Blood Pressure and Dietary Related Risk Factors Associated with High Sodium Intake Assessed with 24-hour Urine Analysis for Korean Adults
Yeon Seon Jeong, Hwa Jae Lim, Sook Bae Kim, Hee Jun Kim, Sook Mee Son
Korean J Community Nutr 2014;19(6):537-549.   Published online December 31, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study was conducted to examine blood pressure and other characteristics of a high sodium intake group assessed with 24-hr urine analysis and the dietary factors related to the risk of high sodium intake among Korean adults.
A cross-sectional study was conducted with adults aged 20-59 years. Subjects who completed 24-hr urine collection (N = 205) were divided into 3 groups (tertile) according to the sodium intake estimated with 24-hour urine analysis. We compared the blood pressure, BMI and dietary related factors of the 3 groups (low, medium, high sodium intake group) with General Linear Model (GLM) and Duncan's multiple range test (p < 0.05). The risk factors related to high sodium intake were assessed with odds ratio (p < 0.05).
The sodium intake (mg/day) of the 3 groups were 3359.8 +/- 627.9, 4900.3 +/- 395.1 and 6770.6 +/- 873.9, respectively, corresponding to daily salt intake (g/day) 8.5, 12.4 and 17.2, respectively. High sodium group showed significantly elevated age, BMI and systolic/diastolic blood pressure. Being male gender was associated with significantly increased risk of sodium intake (OR = 1.972; 95%CI: 1.083-3.593). The other factors related to high sodium intake were higher BMI (> or = 25) (OR = 2.619; 95% CI: 1.368-5.015), current alcohol consumption (OR = 1.943; 95%CI: 1.060-3.564), and having salty soybean paste with salt percentage > 14% (OR = 3.99; 95% CI: 1.404-6.841). The dietary attitude related to increased risk of high sodium intake included 'enjoy dried fish and salted mackerel' (p < 0.001) and 'eat all broth of soup, stew or noodle' (p < 0.001).
Because high sodium intake was associated with higher blood pressure, nutrition education should focus on alcohol consumption, emphasis on related dietary factors such as using low salt soybean paste, improvements in the habit of eating dried fish and salted mackerel or eating all broth of soup, stew or noodle.


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  • Effect of fermented soybean on metabolic outcomes, anthropometric indices, and body composition: a systematic review and meta-analysis of clinical trials
    Fatemeh Maleki Sedgi, Nazanin Mozaffari, Mohammad Reza Pashaei, Fatemeh Hajizadeh-Sharafabad
    Food & Function.2025;[Epub]     CrossRef
  • Comparison between 24-hour diet recall and 24-hour urine collection for estimating sodium and potassium intakes and their ratio among Korean adults
    Taisun Hyun, Mi-Kyeong Choi, Young-Ran Heo, Heekyong Ro, Young-Hee Han, Yeon-Kyung Lee
    Nutrition Research and Practice.2023; 17(2): 284.     CrossRef
  • Development and application of the sodium index to estimate and assess sodium intake for Korean adults
    Yeon-Kyung Lee, Taisun Hyun, Heekyong Ro, Young-Ran Heo, Mi-Kyeong Choi
    Nutrition Research and Practice.2022; 16(3): 366.     CrossRef
  • Comparison of Sodium-Related Dietary Behavior and Low-Salt Dietary Attitude Based on the Gender and Salty Taste Assessment of Chinese International Students in the Jeonbuk Area
    Qi Li, Ji Eun Lee, Jeong Ok Rho
    Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life.2021; 31(2): 91.     CrossRef
  • Estimation model for habitual 24-hour urinary-sodium excretion using simple questionnaires from normotensive Koreans
    Ji-Sook Kong, Yeon-Kyung Lee, Mi Kyung Kim, Mi-Kyeong Choi, Young-Ran Heo, Taisun Hyun, Sun Mee Kim, Eun-Soon Lyu, Se-Young Oh, Hae-Ryun Park, Moo-Yong Rhee, Hee-Kyong Ro, Mi Kyung Song, Tatsuo Shimosawa
    PLOS ONE.2018; 13(2): e0192588.     CrossRef
  • Relationship of sodium consumption with obesity in Korean adults based on Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2010~2014
    Se Young Cheon, Hye Won Wang, Hwa Jung Lee, Kyung Mi Hwang, Hae Seong Yoon, Yoon Jung Kang
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2017; 50(1): 64.     CrossRef
  • Study of the characteristics of dietary behavior and the effects of nutrition education for sodium reduction according to the stages of behavioral change in sodium reduction of male adult subjects in Gwangju·Jeonnam regions
    Young Ran Heo, Hyun Young Oh, Hee Kyong Ro
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2017; 50(5): 472.     CrossRef
  • Correlation analysis of sodium-related knowledge, dietary behavior, attitudes towards a low-salt diet and meal attitude guidance for elementary school teachers in Jeonbuk area
    Hyun Ok Moon, Jeong Ok Rho
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2017; 50(2): 180.     CrossRef
  • Verification of Utility of Simple Mensuration of Cl-from Urine to Estimate the Amount of Sodium Intake
    Sung-Ho Lee, Chae-Joon Lee, Sung-Mi Ju, Hyun-Joo Lee, Wang-Yeon Ra, Soon-Ok Kim
    The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition.2016; 29(1): 27.     CrossRef
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Blood Pressure, Sodium Intake and Dietary Behavior Changes by Session Attendance on Salt Reduction Education Program for Pre-hypertensive Adults in a Public Health Center
Eun Jin Jung, Jong Sook Kwon, So Hyun Ahn, Sook Mee Son
Korean J Community Nutr 2013;18(6):626-643.   Published online December 31, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study was performed to evaluate the differences in blood pressure, sodium intake and dietary behavior changes according to the extent of session attendance on sodium reduction education program for pre-hypertensive adults in a public health center. Sodium reduction education program consisted of 8 sessions for 8 weeks. Fifty three patients who completed the pre and post nutritional assessments were classified into 2 groups according to the session attendance rate. Nineteen participants who attended the education program 3 times or less (< or = 3) were categorized into the less attendance (LA) group and 34 participants attended 4 times or more (> or = 4) into the more attendance (MA) group. Blood pressure, anthropometric measurements, serum lipid profile, nutrient intakes including sodium, nutrition knowledge and dietary behavior score were assessed before and after the nutrition education program. Mean sodium intakes (p < 0.001), systolic/diastolic blood pressure (p < 0.001), and weight (p < 0.001) were significantly decreased in the MA group after sodium reduction education program. Compared to the MA group, mean sodium intakes, systolic/diastolic blood pressure were not significantly changed after the education program even with significantly increased nutrition knowledge (p < 0.05) and dietary behavior score (p < 0.01) in the LA group. It appears that pre-hypertensive adults need to attend the sodium reduction education program for at least 4 times or more to gain beneficial effects from the intervention. Positive feedback of healthcare team or offering more cooking classes may be needed to raise the attendance rate in the sodium reduction education program.


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  • Effect of nutrition education in reducing sodium intake and increasing potassium intake in hypertensive adults
    You-Sin Lee, Moo-Yong Rhee, Sim-Yeol Lee
    Nutrition Research and Practice.2020; 14(5): 540.     CrossRef
  • Status of Recognition, Effort, and Satisfaction of Customers on Low-Sodium Diet in Industry Foodservice
    Sang Jin Yoon, Kun Og Kang
    Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life.2017; 27(2): 168.     CrossRef
  • Study of the characteristics of dietary behavior and the effects of nutrition education for sodium reduction according to the stages of behavioral change in sodium reduction of male adult subjects in Gwangju·Jeonnam regions
    Young Ran Heo, Hyun Young Oh, Hee Kyong Ro
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2017; 50(5): 472.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of Hypertension Health School Program on Hypertension-related Knowledge, Self-efficacy, Self-care Behavior and Physiological Parameters in Hypertensive Patients
    Koung Oh Chang
    Journal of muscle and joint health.2016; 23(1): 49.     CrossRef
  • Food Safety and Nutrition Education Program for Elderly and Assessment of Program Effectiveness Based on Health Belief Model
    Jung-Hwa Choi, Eun-Sil Lee, Yoon-Jin Lee, Hye-Sang Lee, Hye-Ja Chang, Kyung-Eun Lee, Na-Young Yi, Yoon Ahn, Tong-Kyung Kwak
    Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.2016; 45(9): 1366.     CrossRef
  • Dietary Life related to Sodium of Participants in Hypertension and Diabetes Preventive Education at the Public Health Center
    Hee-Ok Pak, Chun-Young Sohn, Jung-Hwa Park
    The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition.2015; 28(2): 219.     CrossRef
  • A Study on Eating Out Behavior and Recognition of Salinity in Restaurant Food in Jecheon Area
    Soojin Park, Sung Hee Min
    Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture.2015; 30(1): 20.     CrossRef
  • Nutrition knowledge, eating attitudes, nutrition behavior, self-efficacy of childcare center foodservice employees by stages of behavioral change in reducing sodium intake
    Yun Ahn, Kyung Won Kim, Kyungmin Kim, Jinwon Pyun, Ikhyun Yeo, Kisun Nam
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2015; 48(5): 429.     CrossRef
  • The Study on Dietary Behavior and Health Related Behaviors of Self Perceived Sodium Intake Groups
    Juhyeon Kim, Hei-Ryeo Yoon, Nam-E Kang
    Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture.2014; 29(6): 511.     CrossRef
  • The Relationship between Dietary Behaviors/health Risk Factors and Preference for Salty Taste among Korean Elderly People Living in Rural Areas
    Mee Sook Lee
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2014; 19(5): 448.     CrossRef
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The Effect of Sodium Reduction Education Program of a Public Health Center on the Blood Pressure, Blood Biochemical Profile and Sodium Intake of Hypertensive Adults
Eun Jin Jung, Sook Mee Son, Jong Sook Kwon
Korean J Community Nutr 2012;17(6):752-771.   Published online December 31, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study was conducted to investigate the effect of sodium reduction education program of a public health center on the blood pressure, blood biochemical profile and sodium intake of hypertensive adults. The program continued for 16 weeks with an 8-week nutrition education and an 8-week follow-up to forty two subjects, 6 males and 36 females aged 46 to 80 years. Subjects received nutrition education including lectures, activities, cooking classes and nutrition counseling. Physical fitness, management of stress, and nutrition counseling were provided during the follow-up. The program was evaluated three times, before and after the nutrition education, and after the follow-up. Systolic blood pressure (p < 0.0001) and diastolic blood pressure (p < 0.001) were decreased after completion of the program. Body weight (p < 0.005), percent body fat (p < 0.005) and body mass index (p < 0.001) were decreased, too. There were no significant differences in blood glucose, HDL-cholesterol and triglycerides, while elevated levels of total cholesterol (p < 0.001) and LDL-cholesterol (p < 0.001) appeared after the program completion. Decreased intakes of vitamin A (p < 0.05), beta-carotene (p < 0.001) and sodium (p < 0.001) were observed. Consumption frequency of noodles, soups, stews, kimchi, fishes/shellfish, seasoned vegetables, and salted seafoods/pickles (p < 0.05~p < 0.001) were decreased, while that of all food groups were not changed during the follow-up. Total score of nutrition knowledge related to sodium intake and hypertension (p < 0.001), and that of dietary behavior associated with high sodium intakes were changed positively (p < 0.001) only during the nutrition education. This sodium reduction education program, including the follow-up study showed positive effects on the blood pressure, sodium intake, nutrition knowledge and dietary behavior of hypertensive adults.


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  • Changes in the importance and performance of low-sodium management among childcare center cooks in Yongin, South Korea, after salinometer support programs: a descriptive study
    Jiwoo Min, Youngmi Lee, Yunhee Chang, Yujin Lee
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2024; 29(4): 304.     CrossRef
  • Effects of nutrition education on cardio-metabolic outcomes: A randomised clinical trial
    Hildemar Dos Santos, W Lawrence Beeson, Gina Segovia-Siapco, Brenda Koranda, Tony Jehi
    Health Education Journal.2020; 79(4): 458.     CrossRef
  • Effects of a Self-Care Reinforcement Program for Socially Vulnerable Elderly Women with Metabolic Syndrome in Korea
    Mikyung Park, Kiwol Sung
    Journal of Korean Academy of Community Health Nursing.2019; 30(3): 271.     CrossRef
  • Current status, perception and practicability of restaurant staffs related to reducing sodium use in Seongnam, Korea
    So-Hyun Ahn, Jong Sook Kwon, Kyungmin Kim, Yoonna Lee, Hye-Kyeong Kim
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2019; 52(5): 475.     CrossRef
  • Effect of a public health center-based nutrition education program for hypertension in women older than 50 years of age
    Seoyun Park, Jong-Sook Kwon, Hye-Kyeong Kim
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2018; 51(3): 228.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Korean diet control nutrition education on cardiovascular disease risk factors in patients who underwent cardiovascular disease surgery
    Su-Jin Jung, Soo-Wan Chae
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2018; 51(3): 215.     CrossRef
  • Stages of Behavioral Change for Reducing Sodium Intake in Korean Consumers: Comparison of Characteristics Based on Social Cognitive Theory
    So-hyun Ahn, Jong Kwon, Kyungmin Kim, Hye-Kyeong Kim
    Nutrients.2017; 9(8): 808.     CrossRef
  • Study of the characteristics of dietary behavior and the effects of nutrition education for sodium reduction according to the stages of behavioral change in sodium reduction of male adult subjects in Gwangju·Jeonnam regions
    Young Ran Heo, Hyun Young Oh, Hee Kyong Ro
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2017; 50(5): 472.     CrossRef
  • Nutrition knowledge, eating attitudes, nutrition behavior, self-efficacy of childcare center foodservice employees by stages of behavioral change in reducing sodium intake
    Yun Ahn, Kyung Won Kim, Kyungmin Kim, Jinwon Pyun, Ikhyun Yeo, Kisun Nam
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2015; 48(5): 429.     CrossRef
  • Dietary Life related to Sodium of Participants in Hypertension and Diabetes Preventive Education at the Public Health Center
    Hee-Ok Pak, Chun-Young Sohn, Jung-Hwa Park
    The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition.2015; 28(2): 219.     CrossRef
  • Evaluation of Consumer Nutrition Education Program to Reduce Sodium Intake Based on Social Cognitive Theory
    So-Hyun Ahn, Jong Sook Kwon, Kyung Min Kim, Jin-Sook Yoon, Hye-Kyeong Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2015; 20(6): 433.     CrossRef
  • Effects of Dietary Education on Low-sodium Diet Adaptation
    Hae Young Kim, Juhyeon Kim
    Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture.2014; 29(2): 212.     CrossRef
  • Implementation and Evaluation of Nutrition Capacity Training Program for Dietitians and Related Professionals Working at Customized Home Visiting Health Services
    Sook Bae Kim, Jin Sook Yoon, Kyung Won Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2014; 19(1): 71.     CrossRef
  • The Study on Dietary Behavior and Health Related Behaviors of Self Perceived Sodium Intake Groups
    Juhyeon Kim, Hei-Ryeo Yoon, Nam-E Kang
    Journal of The Korean Society of Food Culture.2014; 29(6): 511.     CrossRef
  • Sodium Related Recognition, Dietary Attitude and Education Needs of Dietitians Working at Customized Home Visiting Health Service
    Yun-Jeong Mo, Sook-Bae Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2014; 19(6): 558.     CrossRef
  • Development of Nutrition Education Program for Consumers to Reduce Sodium Intake Applying the Social Cognitive Theory: Based on Focus Group Interviews
    So-Hyun Ahn, Hye-Kyeong Kim, Kyung Min Kim, Jin-sook Yoon, Jong Sook Kwon
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2014; 19(4): 342.     CrossRef
  • The Effectiveness of Na Reduction Program for Cook in Child-care Center: Focus on Self-reevaluation and Strengthen Consciousness
    Hyewon Shin, Youngmee Lee
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2014; 19(5): 425.     CrossRef
  • The Effects of Low-sodium Diet Education Program on Dietary Habits, Diet Quality and Obesity Index in Overweight and Obese Middle-aged Women
    Soo Bin Jeong, Seoyun Park, Sohyun Ahn, Jin Nam Kim, Hye-Kyeong Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2014; 19(6): 513.     CrossRef
  • Blood Pressure, Sodium Intake and Dietary Behavior Changes by Session Attendance on Salt Reduction Education Program for Pre-hypertensive Adults in a Public Health Center
    Eun-Jin Jung, Jong-Sook Kwon, So-Hyun Ahn, Sook Mee Son
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2013; 18(6): 626.     CrossRef
  • A Survey on the Salt Content of Kindergarten Lunch Meals and Meal Providers' Dietary Attitude to Sodium Intake in Gyeonggi-do Area
    Jin Nam Kim, Seoyun Park, Sohyun Ahn, Hye-Kyeong Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2013; 18(5): 478.     CrossRef
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A Study on the Health and Nutritional Characteristics according to Household Income and Obesity in Korean Adults Aged over 50: Based on 2005 KNHANES
So Hyun Ahn, Sook Mee Son, Hye Kyeong Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2012;17(4):463-478.   Published online August 31, 2012
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study investigated the health and nutritional characteristics according to household income level and obesity in Koreans aged over 50 years based on the 2005 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Subjects were classified into 3 groups by average household income with reference to the minimum monthly living expenses (MLE): low (n = 319, < 100% MLE), middle (n = 222, < 200% MLE), high (n = 411, > or = 200% MLE) and each group was compared by BMI index. With increasing income level, the prevalence of systolic hypertension and hyperlipidemia was increased. In the low income group, serum total cholesterol, triglycerides, and fasting glucose were higher in the obese compared with the normal. In the middle and high income groups, the prevalence of hyperlipidemia and diastolic hypertension were higher in the obese. Subjects had nutritional imbalance, such as inadequate intake of calcium and potassium. With increasing income level, the percentages of protein and fat to total calorie were increased in addition to the intakes and density of nutrients. The obese in the low income group had higher intakes of energy, protein, phosphorus and higher consumption frequency of cereals and potatoes compared with the normal. It was shown that the obese of the middle and high income groups tended to have lower consumption frequency of Korean cabbage and higher frequency of fruits. The obese of high income group also had binge drinking habit. Therefore, this study suggests that specific approaches based on economic status should be considered in developing nutrition education program for the elderly.


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  • Comparison of the health and nutritional status of Korean elderly considering the household income level, using the 2018 Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
    Jin Mo Khil
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2021; 54(1): 39.     CrossRef
  • Biochemical Characteristics and Dietary Intake according to Household Income Levels of Korean Adolescents: Using Data from the 6th (2013 ~ 2015) Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
    Yu-Kyeong Kwon, Sook-Bae Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2021; 26(6): 467.     CrossRef
  • Estimated dietary intake of vitamin A in Korean adults: Based on the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2007~2012
    Seong-Ah Kim, Shinyoung Jun, Hyojee Joung
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2016; 49(4): 258.     CrossRef
  • Optimization of Extraction Conditions for Mixture of Camellia sinensis L. and Artemisia argyi by Response Surface Methodology
    Young-Hyun Kim, Woo-Sik Kim, Jae-Min Kim, Sun-il Choi, Tae-Dong Jung, Jin-Ha Lee, Jong-Dai Kim, Jae Kag Lim, Ok-Hwan Lee
    Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety.2016; 31(4): 278.     CrossRef
  • A study on nutritional intakes in middle income adults based on data from the 5thKorean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
    Ji-Myung Kim, Hye Sook Kim, Ki Nam Kim
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2015; 48(4): 364.     CrossRef
  • Evaluation of Obesity and Nutritional Status by Age among Low-income Women aged over 20  -Using Data from the Fourth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey-
    Hee-Kyung Jang
    Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life.2015; 25(2): 246.     CrossRef
  • An Evaluation of Dietary Habit and Nutritional Status by Household Income in Female Adults over the Age of 20 - Using Data from the Fourth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey -
    Hee-Kyung Jang
    The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition.2014; 27(4): 660.     CrossRef
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Dietary and Lifestyle Factors Associated with Hypertension in Korean Adolescents: Based on 2005 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
Killye Kim, Sook Mee Son, Hye Kyeong Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2011;16(4):439-453.   Published online August 31, 2011
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study was performed to determine dietary and lifestyle factors associated with hypertension in Korean adolescents. Study subjects were 12~19 years (n = 521) adolescents who participated in the 2005 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES III). Subjects were divided into the hypertensive group (HG, n = 102) and normotensive group (NG, n = 419) by '2007 Korean children and adolescents growth standard' and the relationships between blood pressure and physical measurement, nutrients intakes, eating behaviors and health related factors were analyzed. HG showed significantly higher levels in weight, waist circumference and BMI than NG. The amount of nutrient intakes was not different between NG and HG. Index of nutritional quality (INQ) for phosphate was higher in HG compared with NG. In both male and female HG, INQ for iron was higher but INQ for vitamin B1 was lower than NG. HG revealed higher consumption frequencies of snack, yoghurt, and ice cream compared with NG. In eating and behavioral factors, 'dinner with family', 'eat proper amount', 'keep Korean traditional diet', alcohol drinking, and mean alcohol intake were significantly different between the two groups. By logistic regression method, risk factors for hypertension revealed in this study were gender (male), age (15~19 years), BMI (> or = 85 percentile), and not keeping Korean traditional diet. These results suggest that education program for hypertension prevention in adolescents should include eating habits improvement and lifestyle modification as well as weight control.


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  • Biochemical Characteristics and Dietary Intake according to Household Income Levels of Korean Adolescents: Using Data from the 6th (2013 ~ 2015) Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
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Comparison of Dietary Behaviors Related to Sodium Intake by Gender and Age
Young Sook Park, Sook Mee Son, Wha Jae Lim, Sook Bae Kim, Yeon Sun Chung
Korean J Community Nutr 2008;13(1):1-12.   Published online February 29, 2008
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This study was performed to understand recognition and behaviors related to sodium intake of Korean adults. The data were collected from subjects including 267 male and 285 female adults in nationwide and compared by gender and by age. We found that the male group showed significantly higher smoking, alcohol drinking, and exercise does the female group. The older group (40 to 59 years) revealed significantly higher exercise and lower alcohol drinking; however general disease and hypertension prevalence, diet therapy practice, and meditation for hypertension were higher. Recognizing sodium levels of foods containing high-sodium, and sodium-nutriture labels when purchasing foods, and knowing differences between salt and sodium of the male group or recognizing sodium levels of foods containing high-sodium of the older group was worse than the other. Among the 32 food behaviors, only 12 were identified as significantly correlated to sodium intake levels including behaviors of preferring Chinese and Japanese foods to Western foods, preferring kimchi to raw vegetables, completely consuming soup, stew, noodle liquid, liking of dried fish and salted mackerel, frequent eat-outs or delivered foods, and so forth. There were significant differences between gender or age groups in terms of sodium intake-increasing behaviors; the male group showed higher behaviors of preferring salty taste and eating all broths. And the older group revealed higher behavior of adding table salt as well as the previous two, however, the younger group showed more behaviors of eat-outs or delivered foods and not the liquid of kimchi.
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Development and Evaluation of Validity of Short Dish Frequency Questionnaire (DFQ) for Estimation of Habitual Sodium Intake for Korean Adults
Sook Mee Son, Young Sook Park, Wha Je Lim, Sook Bae Kim, Yeon seon Jeong
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(6):838-853.   Published online December 31, 2007
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The aim of this study was to develop various types of a dish frequency questionnaire (DFQ) for estimating the habitual sodium intake and to evaluate the validity of a 125 item dish frequency questionnaire (DFQ 125) with the DFQ 70, DFQ 36 and DFQ 15. For the DFQ 125, one hundred and twenty five dish items were selected based on the information of sodium content of a one serving size, consumption frequency and dish items that contributed most to the variation of sodium intake. Frequency of consumption was determined through nine categories ranging from more than 3 times a day to almost never to indicate how often the specified amount of each food item was consumed during the past 6 months. The sodium intake estimated with DFQ 125 was 5775.0 +/- 3636.3mg, 12.6% higher than that estimated with a 24 hr urine analysis (5009.7 +/- 1541.9mg) and significant correlation was observed between them (r = 0.3315, p < 0.001). When sodium content in broth leftover was subtracted from the total intake, the actual sodium intakes was decreased to 5309.6 +/- 3076.6mg, which was 3.2% higher than that with a 24-hr urine analysis. Overall, 56% of subjects in the lowest quintile of sodium intake computed with DFQ 125 were also in the lowest of adjacent quintile while categorization into the opposite quintile were 4.9%. DFQ 70 was developed from DFQ 125 by omitting the food items not frequently consumed, selecting the dish items that showed higher sodium content per one portion size and higher consumption frequency. The sodium intake estimated with DFQ 70 (5026.6 +/- 3107.1mg) showed only 0.2% difference from that estimated with a 24-hr urine analysis, significant correlation with it (r = 0.3199, p < 0.001) and higher proportion of subjects to be classified into the same or adjacent quintile. The sodium intake estimated with DFQ 36 or DFQ 15 was also significancy correlated with that estimated with a 24-hr urine analysis (r = 0.3441, p < 0.001; r = 0.321, p < 0.001 respectively) and more. The proportion of subjects was classified into the same or adjacent quintile. However, the actual sodium intake estimated with DFQ 36 or DFQ 15 were 3534.0 +/- 1804.6mg and 2508.0 +/- 1261.5mg, respectively, 31.3% or 51.3% less than that estimated with a 24-hr urine analysis. It seems the DFQ 125 with subtraction of sodium content in broth leftover or DFQ 70 can be used quantitatively to estimate sodium intake of adults. DFQ 36 or DFQ 15 can be used as a screening tool or to assess the changes of sodium intake after nutrition education.
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Sodium Intakes of Korean Adults with 24-hour Urine Analysis and Dish Frequency Questionnaire and Comparison of Sodium Intakes According to the Regional Area and Dish Group
Sook Mee Son, Young Sook Park, Hwa Jae Lim, Sook Bae Kim, Yeon Seon Jeong
Korean J Community Nutr 2007;12(5):545-558.   Published online October 31, 2007
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This study was performed to assess the sodium intakes of Korean adults using a 24-hr urine analysis and dish frequency questionnaire (DFQ) according to each dish group and the regional area. The subjects of this study were comprised of 552 adults (male: 267, female: 285), aged 20-59yr residing in the metropolitan area (N = 200), Chungcheng-Do (N = 117), Jeolla-Do (N = 117), and Gueongsang-Do provinces (N = 118). The subjects were recruited from the residents who once participated or are participating in the various health programs offered by the public health center. The number of subjects who completed the 24-hr urine collection was 205 (male : 110, female : 95).The mean age and BMI of the subjects were 39.0+/-11.7 y and 23.1+/-2.9 kg/m2, respectively. The mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure was 119.5+/-15.4 mmHg, and 77.1+/-11.1 mmHg, respectively. Eighteen percent of the subjects responded that they are currently smoking, 36% drinking and 50.4% exercising. Twenty point six percent of the subjects were assessed as having hypertension according to their systolic or diastolic blood pressure(SBP > or = 140 mmHg or DBP > or = 90 mmHg) measurements in the present study. Salt intake of the subject estimated with 24-hr sodium excretion was 12.7 g/d (male : 13.4 g/d, female : 12.1 g/d) based on the sodium excretion rate as 82%. Salt intake estimated with DFQ was 14.7 g/d (male : 16.2 g/d, female : 13.4 g/d), 2 g more than the salt intake estimated with 24-hr urine analysis. The four dish groups that contributed most to the sodium intake in order were kimchi (I1571.4mg), soup and stew (1260.5 mg), fish and shellfish (706.3 mg) and noodle and ramyeon (644.3mg). Salt intake estimated with DFQ was the highest in the subjects of Gueongsang-Do (17.0 g/d), second highest Chungcheong-Do (16.4 g/d) and the lowest in the metropolitan area (13.0 g/d). Subjects of Gueongsang-Do showed the highest sodium intakes in most of the dish group, whereas subjects of the metropolitan area showed the lowest. Residents of Chuncheong-Do revealed the highest sodium intake with kimchi and ofJeolla-Do the higher sodium intake with the main dish (meat, fish and beans). The highest salt percentage of kimchi (3.0+/-0.8%) and soybean paste (14.5 +/-5.1%) were observed in Gueongsang-Do, whereas individuals of the metropolitan area were observed as having kimchi (1.6 +/-0.5%) and soybean paste (7.4 +/-1.6%) with the lowest salt percentage. Men were observed as having more salty kimchi (2.4 +/-0.1%) than women (2.1 +/-0.1%).
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The Effect of 6 Month Alphacalcidol Treatment or Nutrition Education on the Nutrient Intakes, Bone Mineral Density and Bone Markers in Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis Patients
Sook Mee Son, Jin Kyung Park
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(6):793-807.   Published online December 31, 2006
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This study was performed to estimate the effect of alphacalcidol supplementation or nutrition education on the nutrient intakes, bone mineral density and bone markers in continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) patients. The 90 CAPD subjects were randomly assigned to 3 groups (alphacalcidol group: AG, nutrition education group: NG, and control group: CG). Alphacalcidol supplementation(0.5 microgram/day) was carried out for 8 months. Nutrition counseling was performed according to the patient's individual question for the first 6 months and scheduled nutrition education with individual counseling was carried out for the last 2 months. In baseline data, there were no significant differences in age, sex, family number, education years and monthly income except the NG showed significantly less duration of CAPD (p <0.05) compared to other two groups. After intervention all three groups showed tendency of lower intakes. NG revealed less decrease in protein, especially in animal protein, calcium from Ca-P binder, dietary calcium, dietary iron and niacin. NG showed significantly more increase in dry weight (p <0.05) and AG in waist circumference (p <0.001) after intervention. The groups did not show significant differences in the changes of biochemical indices related to bone metabolism. NG revealed more increase in trochanter BMD (p <0.05) compared to other two groups. It seems that nutrition education is more effective in preventing deterioration or improving the bone and general nutrition status.
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Dietary Risk Factors Associated with Hypertension in Patients
Sook Mee Son, Gwui Yeop Huh
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(5):661-672.   Published online October 31, 2006
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This study was performed to determine the dietary risk factors associated with hypertension. The hypertensive group were composed of 112 hypertensive patients (male 53, female 59) who first visited the hypertension clinic and had been diagnosed as having primary hypertension (SBP > or = 140 mmHg or DBP > or = 90 mmHg). The regular visitors or the subjects on special diets or medical therapies were excluded. The normal group consisted of as subjects (male 41, female 54) matched with age and socioeconomic levels. The subjects having higher intakes (above the 75 percentile) in energy, protein, iron, vitamin A or C showed significantly higher hypertension risk estimated with odds ratio after the covariance factors (age, sex and BMI) were adjusted. More than 2400 mg of sodium (6 g of salt) intake was associated with significantly higher risk of hypertension (odds ratio: 1.773, CI: 1.014 - 3.014 for SBP > or = 140 mmHg; odds ratio: 2.373, CI: 1.359 - 4.215 for DBP > or = 90 mmHg). Hypertensive group showed significantly increased intakes of vegetables and fish and shell fish compared to the normal group. When the vegetable intakes were classified into Kimchi, fresh vegetables and cooked vegetables with seasoning, the hypertensive group was observed as having higher intakes of Kimchi and cooked vegetables with seasoning. The intakes of highest quartile for vegetables (> or = 327 g/day)(odds ratio: 3.164, CI: 1.740 - 5.752), fish and their products (> or = 102 g/day)(odds ratio: 2.756, CI: 1.486 - 5.109), grains(> or = 311 g/day)(odds ratio 2.393, CI: 1.186 - 4.832), meats and their product (> or = 106 g)(odds ratio: 2.210, CI: 1.225 - 3.987) compared to the lower were significantly associated with the higher risk of hypertension estimated with DBP (> or = 90 mmHg) after covariance factors were adjusted. In conclusion, our findings confirm that higher intake of energy or sodium are associated with the increased risk of hypertension. Because increased intake of vegetable or fish was associated with the higher risk of hypertension, in contrast with the finding of western countries, choosing or preparation of vegetables or fish with reduced salt is recommended.
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Development and Evaluation of Validity of Dish Frequency Questionnaire (DFQ) and Short DFQ Using Na Index for Estimation of Habitual Sodium Intake
Sook Mee Son, Gwui Yeop Huh, Hong Sup Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(5):677-692.   Published online October 31, 2005
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The assessment of sodium intake is complex because of the variety and nature of dietary sodium. This study intended to develop a dish frequency questionnaire (DFQ) for estimating the habitual sodium intake and a short DFQ for screening subjects with high or low sodium intake. For DFQ112, one hundred and twelve dish items were selected based on the information of sodium content of the one serving size and consumption frequency. Frequency of consumption was determined through nine categories ranging from more than 3 times a day to almost never to indicate how often the specified amount of each food item was consumed during the past 6 months. One hundred seventy one adults (male: 78, female: 93) who visited hypertension or health examination clinic participated in the validation study. DFQ55 was developed from DFQ112 by omitting the food items not frequently consumed, selecting the dish items that showed higher sodium content per one portion size and higher consumption frequency. To develop a short DFQs for classifying subjects with low or high sodium intakes, the weighed score according to the sodium content of one protion size was given to each dish item of DFQ25 or DFQ14 and multiplied with the consumption frequency score. A sum index of all the dish items was formed and called sodium index (Na index). For validation study the DFQ112, 2-day diet record and one 24-hour urine collection were analyzed to estimate sodium intakes. The sodium intakes estimated with DFQ112 and 24-h urine analysis showed 65% agreement to be classified into the same quartile and showed significant correlation (r = 0.563 p < 0.05). However, the actual amount of sodium intake estimated with DFQ112 (male: 6221.9 mg, female: 6127.6 mg) showed substantial difference with that of 24-h urine analysis (male: 4556.9 mg, female: 5107.4 mg). The sodium intake estimated with DFQ55 (male: 4848.5 mg, female: 4884.3 mg) showed small difference from that estimated with 24-h urine analysis, higher proportion to be classfied into the same quartile and higher correlation with the sodium intakes estimated with 24-h urine analysis and systolic blood pressure. It seems DFQ55 can be used as a tool for quantitative estimation of sodium intake. Na index25 or Na index14 showed 39~50% agreement to be classified into the same quartile, substantial correlations with the sodium intake estimated with DFQ55 and significant correlations with the sodium intake estimated with 24-h urine analysis. When point 119 for Na index25 was used as a criterion of low sodium intake, sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value was 62.5%, 81.8% and 53.2%, respectively. When point 102 for Na index14 was used as a criterion of high sodium intake, sensitivity, specificity and positive predictive value were 73.8%, 84.0%, 62.0%, respectively. It seems the short DFQs using Na index14 or Na index25 are simple, easy and proper instruments to classify the low or high sodium intake group.
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Effect of 12-week Low Calorie Diet and Behavior Modification on the Anthropomeric Indices and Biochemical Nutritional Status of Obese Woman
Sook Mee Son, Hee Jun Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2005;10(4):525-535.   Published online August 31, 2005
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This study was conducted to investigate the effect of a 3 week low calorie diet (LCD) and a 9 week of behavior modification (BM) program on the weight loss, mineral and vitamin status in 22 obese women. The subject were healthy, obese (PIBW > 120%) women aged 20 - 50 Yr and not taking any medications known to influence body composition, mineral or vitamin metabolism During the LCD program, subjects were provided commercial liquid formulas with 125 kcal per pack and were instructed to have a formula for replacement of one meal and at least one regular meal per day within the range of daily 800 - 1200 kcal intake. During the BM program the subjects weekly attended the group nutrition counseling session to encourage themselves to modify their eating behavior and spontaneously restrict their energy intakes. The BM program focused on stimulus control, control of portion sizes and modification of binge eating and other adverse habits. The initial mean energy intake of subjects was 2016.9 +/- 129.8 kcal (100.8% of RDA) and dropped to 1276.5 +/- 435.7 kcal at the end of a 3 week of LCD program and elevated to 1762 +/- 329.3 kcal at the end of a 9 week of BM program. Carbohydrate, protein and fat intakes were significantly decreased at the end of the LCD but carbohydrate was the only macro nutrient that showed significant decrease (p < 0.05) at the end of the BM program compared to baseline. Calcium and iron intakes decreased significantly (p < 0.01, respectively) with no significant changes in other micronutrients at the end of the LCD. The mean weight of the subjects decreased from 73.8 +/- 8.0 kg to 69.2 +/- 7.7 kg with LCD and ended up with 67.7 +/- 7.1 kg after 9 weeks of BM. The 3 weeks of LCD reduced most of the anthropometric indices such as BMI, PIBW, fat weight, wast-to-hip ratio and subscapular and suprailiac skinfold thickness. The 9 weeks of behavior modification showed slight change or maintenance of each anthropometric measurements. Weight loss and decreased WHR with the diet program induced significantly decreased systolic blood pressure. SGOT, SGPT and serum insulin levels with improved serum lipid profiles. Biochemical parameters related to iron status such as hemoglobin, hematocrit were significantly decreased (p < 0.01) at the end of the LCD. But their mean values were within normal range. The mean serum 25 (OH) vitamin D3 level significantly increased after whole diet program. Serum folate level significantly decreased after 12 weeks of diet program. In conclusion 3 weeks of LCD brought 4.6 kg reduction in body weight without risk of iron, zinc or vitamin D deficiency and 9 weeks of the BM was effective to maintain nutritional status with slightly more weight reduction (1.5 kg). However calcium intake and serum folate should be monitored during the LCD and BM because of increased risk of deficiencies..
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Dietary Risk Factors Related to Bone Mineral Density in the Postmenopausal Women with Low Bone Mineral Density
Eun Joo Lee, Sook Mee Son
Korean J Community Nutr 2004;9(5):644-653.   Published online October 31, 2004
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This study was conducted to determine the dietary and lifestyle factors related to bone the mineral density (BMD) of postmenopausal women with decreased BMD. The subjects (N = 163) were recruited from women who visited a orthopedic clinic for BMD check up. A trained dietition interviewed subjects individually to obtain data about dietary behavior, consumption frequency of foods known as main dietary source of calcium and potassium, and clinical symptoms. The risk factors were identified by correlation and multiple regression analysis of variables. The mean age of the subjects was 66.8 years. Most of them showed low levels of education and monthly income. The mean age of menarche and menopause were 17.2 and 48 year, respectively. The mean menopause duration was 18.7 year. Most of the consumption of calcium was centered to vegetable foods. Education level were positively correlated (r = 0.272, p < 0.05) with BMD whereas age, menarch age, menopause duration, number of children were negatively correlated (r = -0.355, r = -0.240, r = -0.283, r = -0.193, respectively, p < 0.05) with BMD. The consumption of soybean, radish were positively correlated (r = 0.187, r = 0.158, respectively, p < 0.05) with BMD. Potassium intake with rice showed significantly negative correlation with BMD (r = -0.189, p < 0.05), but calcium intake with brown seaweeds, bean sprouts were positively correlated (r = 0.247, r = 0.254 respectively, p < 0.05) with BMD. Protein intake with roasted pork was also positively correlated (r = 0.216, p < 0.05) with BMD. Multiple regression analysis showed that the most prominent negative predictor influencing the BMD was age. Minor negative factors influencing the BMI were age of menarche, potassium intake from rice. But the significantly positively factors influencing the BMD were consumption of radish and soybean intake, education, and protein intake with roasted pork. In conclusion brown seaweeds, radish or soybeans can be promoted as cheap foods replacing milk and milk products for menopausal women with low income.
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Depression and Dietary Factors Related to Hyperlipidemia in Urban Living Elderly Female from Low Income Group
Sook Mee Son, Jin Kyung Park, Hong Sup Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(6):938-950.   Published online December 31, 2003
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We conducted a case-control study to examine the relationship of depression and dietary related factors with the hyperlipidemia for urban living elderly women from low income group. The case group consisted of 45 elderly females with hyperlipidemia (serum cholesterol > or = 240 mg/dl or serum TG > or = 250 mg/dl) and the control group of 95 age matched elderly women with serum cholesterol levels less than 240 mg/dl and serum TG less than 250 mg/dl. In a univariate analysis, vitamin C intake, the number of family members living with the subject, and their depression scores were significantly higher in the hyperlipidemic group than in the control group. In the logistic regression analysis, the vitamin C intake (> or = 75% Korean RDA), the number of family members living with the subject (> or = 1), depression scores (> or = 7), BMI (> or = 27), and subscapular skinfold thickness (> or = 18 mm) were associated with significantly higher (p < 0.05) risks of hyperlipidemia in the elderly women. However after adjustment for other covariables, the depression scores (Odds Ratio 2.48 for depression score > or = 7 ; 95%CI : 1.10 - 5.60) and subscapular skinfold thicknesses (Odds Ratio 5.69 for SBT > or = 18 mm ; 95%CI : 1.87 - 17.32) were the significant risk factors associated with hyperlipidemia in the elderly women.
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The Iron Status and Diet Quality of Pregnant Women during the First Five Months of Pregnancy
Jin Sook Yoon, Jung A Park, Sook Mee Son
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(6):803-813.   Published online December 31, 2003
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Literature suggests that iron deficiency anemia is prevalent among pregnant women all over the world. This study was designed to evaluate the iron status of pregnant women during the fist five months, with the intention of determining ways to reduce the prevalence of iron deficiency anemia among pregnant women in Korea. We collected dietary information and measured the biochemical status of iron in 171 pregnant women over 16 weeks of gestation (= 16.7 +/- 2.34 week). Dietary intakes for 3 days were collected using the 24 hour recall and food record methods. The daily Fe intake was measured using the food frequency method. The Body Mass Index (BMI), calculated by using the pre-pregnancy weight and height, indicated that 31.3% of subjects were under-weight. We divided the subjects into normal and anemic group by using the serum ferritin levels. It appeared that the mean dietary intake of iron was 52.3% of the recommended level for pregnant women. The dietary quality evaluation showed that pregnant women ate only 58% of the recommended amount in the food groups of meat, fish, eggs, beans and milk and dairy products. The hematological indices showed that the mean Hemoglobin (Hb) was 11.9 g/dl, Hematocrit (Hct) was 35.1%, ferritin was 23.9 ng/ml, and transferrin was 297.3 microgram/dl. The dietary intake of iron was significantly lower and the vitamin C intake was significantly higher in the anemic group. The pre-pregnancy BMI was significantly lower in the anemic group. Variables affecting iron intake were the Fe intake frequency index and the food group score. The Fe index showed significantly positive correlation with the pre-pregnancy food intake and the food group score. Hb showed a significantly positive correlation with the prepregnancy food intake. We concluded that strategies to improve iron status be implemented in the pre-pregnant stage so as to reduce the prevalence of iron deficiency and that we should stress on the importance of an adequate diet as well as the maintenance of a heathy weight.
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Anthropometric and Biochemical Indicators and Related Factors for the Community Dwelling Elderly Living Alone
Jin Kyung Park, Sook Mee Son
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(5):726-735.   Published online October 31, 2003
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In this study, anthropometric and biochemical indicators and related factors for community dwelling elderly living alone (ELA). as well as for elderly not living alone (ENLA) were explored. The subjects were 140 elderly females (70 living alone, 70 not living alone) residing in Bucheon. Anthropometric measurements revealed significant differences between the two groups (ELA/ENLA) for height, weight, BMI, triceps skinfold thickness, suprailiac skinfold thickness, subscapular skinfold thickness, and body fat percentage. The ELA showed significantly lower data for most of the anthropometric indices, except PIBW. Biochemical indicators of iron status (hemoglobin, serum iron, transferrin saturation) were significantly lower for the ELA, whereas the total serum cholesterol, LDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-C, for the ELA were significantly higher. The prevalence of hypercholesterolemia (240 mg%) was 30%. The latter three are not in accordance with general malnutrition among the ELA. The hemoglobin of the ELA was positively correlated with energy, fat, iron and cholesterol intake, but negatively correlated with height. The serum cholesterol of the ELA was positively associated with most of their nutrient intake.
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The Dietary Behaviors, Depression Rates and Nutrient Intakes of the Elderly Females Living Alone
Jin Kyung Park, Sook Mee Son
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(5):716-725.   Published online October 31, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
In this study, the dietary behaviors, depression rates and nutrient intakes were assessed for elderly females living alone (ELA) and elderly females not living alone (ENLA). The subjects were 140 elderly females (living alone 70; not living alone 70) residing in Bucheon city. Dietary data were obtained using the 24-hr recall method. There were more subjects with low monthly incomes (less than 500,000 won) in the ELA group. The proportion of the ELA group which skipped at least one meal per day was 38.5% and the main reasons given were low appetite and depression. Fewer of the ELA group were observed to have smoking and drinking habits. However, the majority of the ELA smokers smoked more than 6 cigarettes per smoking. The drinking score of the ELA group was also higher than that of the ENLA group. The total score of depression for the ELA group was higher than that of the ENLA group. The total score of nutrition risk index (NRI) of the ELA group (8.09) was also higher than that of the ENLA group (2.31). The dietary assessment using the 24 hr-recall method showed that the ELA group had lower nutrients intakes, and significant differences were shown in the intakes of energy (1137 kcal vs 1275 kcal), animal protein, animal fat, carbohydrates, animal Ca, and animal Fe. There was a positive correlation between the NRI and the depression scores. However a higher NRI was associated with lower intakes for most of the nutrients in the ELA group.
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Association of Bone Densities with Anthropometric Indices and Lifestyles in Elderly People
Sook Mee Son, Ye Na Chun
Korean J Community Nutr 2002;7(3):327-335.   Published online June 30, 2002
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This study was performed to investigate the relationships among bone mineral densities (BMD), anthropometric data and lifestyle factors in the elderly. Subjects included 138 elderly (male: 38, female: 100) aged over 65 years, who were home-dwelling in a low-income area of Puchon City. The BMDs of the lumbar spines (LS), femoral necks (FN), Ward's triangles (WT) and trochanters (TC) were measured by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry. The females showed significantly lower BMDs in four sites (p < 0.0001). The elderly aged over 75 revealed significantly more decreased femoral BMDs than the elderly aged 65 to 74. Female with BMIs of 20 to 25, showed significantly higher BMDs in LS, FN and trochanter than those with BMIs of less than 20. However, males displayed significantly higher BMDs in only LS, with increasing BMIs. THe BMDs of LS correlated with weights (r = 0.543, p < 0.001), heights (r = 0.477, p < 0.001), upper arm circumferences (r = 0.368, p < 0.01), waist circumferences (r = 0.367, p < 0.001), subscapular skinfold thicknesses (r = 0.363, p < 0.001) and hip circumferences (r = 0.231, p < 0.01). Non-smokers and non-drinkers showed significantly higher BMDs in trochanters only in the case of the males. Female milk-drinkers showed significantly elevated LS BMDs. Eighteen percent of the males were assessed as having osteoporosis, as compared to fifty percent of the females. Ninety-three percent of the females and 81.6% of the males responded that they often or always had "difficulty in standing for a long time".
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The Effect of Nutrition Education Program for Various Chronic Disease in Elderly Visiting Public Health Center
Sook Mee Son, Mun Jung Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(4):668-677.   Published online October 31, 2001
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This study conducted to assess the effectiveness of nutrition education program for elderly females with various diseases. Forty subjects(hypertension ; 20, diabetes ; 12, hyperlipidemia ; 8) out of 56 completed the 7 weeks nutrition education program. The nutrition education program was based for healthy food habits and dietary guidelines for each specific disease. It also included practicing individualized menu planning and exercising program. Energy, calcium, iron, vitamin A and ash intakes significantly increased in the hypertension group. total sodium intake did not decrease, however sodium intake per kcal decreased significantly(p<0.05). Elderly with diabetes did not show any changes in dietary intakes. Dietary protein, plant fat, ash, and sodium intakes were significantly elevated(p<0.05), but cholesterol intakes significantly decreased(p<0.05) in the hyperlipidemic group. Elderly with hypertension agreed strongly with changes of food habits such as increasing milk intake, and decreasing Kimchi, soup, pickles and salty food, and table salt intakes after nutrition education. Diabetic elderly showed significantly improved food habit scores in decreasing white rice intake, sugar intake and increasing sea-weed consumption, vegetable consumption and exercise. Hyperlipidemic elderly did not show much improvement in food habit scores except in biochemical indices. However, mean serum glucose and atherogenic index decreased in the diabetic and hyperlipidemic groups after education, respectively.
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Nutritional Status and Utilization of Public Health Center of Elderly
Sook Mee Son, Mun Jung Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2001;6(2):218-226.   Published online May 31, 2001
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This study was performed to assess the nutritional status, frequency of visiting and necessity of nutrition programs for 157 elderly(male:49, female:108) visiting public health centers in Puchon. The purpose of the study was to provide the basic data for developing a nutrition service model. The subject were investigated by interviews with a questionnaire to obtain dietary data and other information related to public health center. Blood tests for analyzing biochemical status were also carried out. The elderly showed low income status. Ninety two percent of them showed their monthly income was less than 400,000 won and 72.6% was observed as having 30,000 won/month as their pocket money. The most frequent disease reported as having or being treated were hypertension(32.6%), rheumatic arthritis(28.5%), diabetes(10.2%), and stomach disease(8.2%) for males and hypertension(33.1%), diabetes(19.4%), rheumatic arthritis(16.7%), anemia(11.1%) for females. The nutrients whose daily intakes were less than 2/3 of RDA were calcium(37.5% RDA),vitamin A(49.9% RDA), iron(60.0% of RDA) and protein(62.0% RDA) for males and vitamin A(27.7% RDA), vitamin B2 (33.3% RDA), calcium(44.1% RDA), iron(53.3% RDA), and niacin(60.0% RDA) for females, respectively. Prevalence of anemia, assessed by hemogloben using WHO definition, were 4.1% for males and 18.5% for females. The percentage of males with hypercholesterolemia( 220 mg/dl) was 2.1% and 19.4% fir females, Two percent of males and 12.0% of females were observed as having a LDL-C higher than 165 mg/dl. The mean fasting blood glucose(FBG) level of males and female was 84.2 mg/dl and 101.7 mg/dl respectively. Two percent of males and 8.3% of females were found with a FBG higher than 140 mg/dl. Seventy one percent of elderly reported they were visiting public health centers at least once per week or more frequently. They were satisfied most with the low medical bills but showed the lowest satisfaction for the facilities of the public health centers. What the nutrition service programs wanted most was nutrition counseling and guidance.
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Characteristic of Anthropometric Data and Biochemical Nutritional Status of Hypertensive Patients before Treatment
Sook Mee Son, Gy Yeup Heo
Korean J Community Nutr 2000;5(4):624-632.   Published online December 31, 2000
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Nutrition related factors were investigated in one hundred and two hypertensive patients(Male: 44, female: 58) before they started drug treatment or diet therapy. The mean age of men and women were 49.9 and 53.5, respectively. Among the men, their mean SBP and DBP were 165.8 mmHg/108.4 mmHg. Fifty six point eight percent of men was classified as having in stage 3 hypertension(SBP > or = 180 mmHg, or DBP > or = 110 mmHg) and 45.5% was classified as having low renin hypertension (serum renin<2.5 ng/ml/h). The proportion of overweight or obesity assessed by BMI(> or = 25) or body fat percent( > or = 21%) was 47.7% or 80.9%, respectively. Men showed 19.1% of hypertriglyceridemia(serum TG > or = 200 mg/dl), 42.6% of hypercholesterolemia(serum cholesterol > or = 220 mg/dl), and 17.0% was observed as having serum cholesterol higher than 240 mg/dl. The proportion of men with high risk of cardiovascular disease was 72.3% assessed by atherogenic index(> or = 3.4). The prevalence of drinking was 86.4% including a daily drinking proportion of 15.8%. Among women, their mean SBP and DBP were 162.6 mmHg/104.3 mmHg. Less women(43.1%) were classified as having stage 3 hypertension and more women were observed in low renin hypertension(55.1%). The prevalence of obesity or overweight assessed by BMI( > or = 25) was 31.0% and 76.3% with body At percent(> or =28%). Women revealed 24.1% of hypertriglyceridemia and 36.2% of hypercholesterolemia. The proportion of women who showed high risk of cardiovascular disease(atherogenic index > or = 3.4) was 63.8%. The smoking rate was 8.6% and drinking rate was 43.1%.
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Nutritional Status of Preschool Children Residing in Low Income Urban Area: Biochemical Parameters of Protein Nutrition and Immunity
Sook Mee Son, Sung Hee Park
Korean J Community Nutr 1999;4(2):132-138.   Published online June 30, 1999
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The purpose of this study was to determine biochemical parameters related to protein and immunity. Subjects were 125 preschool children(M:69, F:56) residing in low income area of Seoul. Mean serum total protein of the children aged 6 was 7.3g/dl which was significantly higher than 6.6g/dl of the group aged 3. The mean serum albumin was 4.7g/dl for 3, 4, 5 age group, and 4.9g/dl for 6 age group and there was no significant difference. Serum retinol binding protein(RBP) is used as a sensitive indicatior of protein, becase it tends to fall rapidly in response to protein status and respond to quickly dietary treatment. Mean RBP for each group(3, 4, 5 and 6 age group) were 2.5 microgram/dl was 15.9%, 19.2%, 24.3% and 16.7%, respectively. The 24-hour urinary excretion of hydroxyproline was 7.9 mg, 14.6 mg, 11.7 mg and 11.8 mg for each group and the mean excretion of all children was 12.2 mg/day. Children aged 3 were excreting significantly lower amount of hydroxprolinc per day than the children aged 4. The mean hydroxyproline index were 2.18, 2.39, 2.52, 2.80 for each age group and the mean of a group aged 6 was significantly higher than that of the group aged 3. The proportion of children assessed as malnourished and impaired growth(hydroxyproline index<2.0) was 18.8%, 4.9%, 2.5% and 4.3%, respectively. The nutrients which showed significant relationship with protein and immunity parameters were niacin, vitamin C and calcium. Vitamin C showed significant positive relationship(p<0.05-p<0.01) with serum RBP, total protein and globulin. The triceps skinfold thickness was significantly and positively correlated with serum globulin. Serum IgG showed significant positive relationship with height, weight, girth of chest and midarm circumference(p<0.05-p<0.01).
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Nutritional Status of Preschool Children in Low Income Urban Area: Anthropometry and Dietary Intake
Sook Mee Son, Sung Hee Park
Korean J Community Nutr 1999;4(2):123-131.   Published online June 30, 1999
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The nutritional status of 125 preschool chidren(Female : 56, Male : 69) residing in low income area of Seoul was surveyed. The mean family size was 4.3 and the mean monthly income was 921,000 won which was below the poverty level. Average heights of boys aged 3, 4, 5 and 6 were 98.6 cm, 106.1 cm, 111.9 cm and 116.0 cm and those for girls were 99.4 cm, 106.4 cm, 110.9 cm, and 116.0 cm, respectively. There was no significant difference between the height of boys and girls. The proportion of children showing stunted growth(<90% of Korean standard of height) was 3.2%. The mean weight of boys for each age group(3, 4, 5, 6) were not significantly differient from that of girls. The proposetion of children assessed as moderately underweight (<80-90% of Korean Standard of weight) was 10.4% and 3.2% of children was underweight(<80% of weight standard). The group of children aged 3 were taking adequate energy, whereas the mean energy intake of children aged 4.5 and 6 were wirthin 77.3-78.6% of RDA. The proportion of energy derived from carbohydrate, fat and protein was 60.1%, 24.6% and 15.3%. The high proportion of energy derived from fat seems partly due to high energy intake from fat in the snack. The nutrients which did not meet 75% of the RDA were vitamin A and calcium for children aged 5, and iron for children aged 3 to 5. Carbohydrate intake was positively correlated with the height, weight and girth of chest(P<0.05-P<0.001). There was positive correlation between protein intake and weight, girth of chest and BMI, respectively(P<0.05). Iron intake showed positive relationship with height, weight and BMI(P<0.05).
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The Effect of Milk Supplementation on Bone Density and Iron Status of Elderly
Sook mee Son, Yeh Na Chon
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(5):715-721.   Published online November 30, 1998
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This study was performed to investigate how milk supplementation can benefit the elderly by increasing bone density but possibly harming the iron status concomitantly. Forty one elderly subjects over 65 years of age(male : 9, female : 32) participated. All subjects were apparently healthy, home staying and attending meal service for lunch at the welfare center. They were from low income area of Puchon city. One cup of milk per day was served for 10 months. The mean intake of calcium was significantly increased for females after milk supplementation. Males showed significantly increased means of triceps skinfold thickness, suprailiac skinfold thickness and waist circumference. Females showed significantly increased measurements fo three kinds of skinfold thickness, waist circumference, and hip circumference. There were no significant change in the mean bone density of lumbar spine(L2~L4), femoral neck, ward's triangle and torchanter, but the proportion of osteopenia estimated by the T score of lumbar spine bone density was lowered from 50.0% to 34.6% for females. The mean Hb level was significantly for males. The proportion of anemia estimated by Hb(<12g/dl), Hct(<36%) and serum ferritin(<15mg/ml) were increased from 17.2% to 51.7%, from 20.7% to 44.8% and from 10.3% to 17.2%, respectively for females. It looks like milk supplementation can effect the intakes of several nutrients considered to be commonly deficient in the Korean diet fo elderly people, increase some anthropometric measurements, and decrease the proportion of osteopenia. However it can have adverse effects on iron status of females.
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Iron Nutritional Status of Female college Students Residing in the Kyungin Area
Sook Mee Son, Su Im Sung
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(4):556-564.   Published online October 31, 1998
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The purpose of this study was to assess the iron nutritional status of college women residing in the Kyungin area. The anthropometric parameters, nutrient intake, and biochemical status of iron were measured for 102 college women. The mean height and weight were 160.3 cm and 52.4 kg, respectively. The proportion of subjects whose BMI was less than 20 was 41.3%. The proportion of subjects assessed as overweight(25 or =25%) assessed by the fat percent(FP) was 53.9%. The mean daily intake of iron was 13.90mg(77.1% of RDA), composed of 0.97mg of heme iron and 12.93mg of nonheme iron. the iron intake computed with the chemical analysis of food was 12.44mg(69.0% of RDA). When the sources of iron were grouped as rice(including bread), noodle, soup, side dish, and snack, noodle provided, 3.95mg of iron regarded as the highest amount. Subjects were taking 6.72mg(51.4% of RDA) of iron per day from main dishes(rice, bread and noddle). The fifty percent of the subjects showed iron depletion(serum ferritin<20ng/ml) and 33.4% showed suppressed erythropoiesis with iron deficiency(serum ferritin<10ng/ml). The anemic subjects assessed with transferrin saturation(<155) represented 33.3% of the test population, whereas 11.8% of the subjects possessed less than 12g/dl of hemoglobin. Subjects not satisfed with their body shape were having significantly lower amount of energy intake(p<0.05) than the subjects satisfied with their body shape. College women having mothers who graduated from university had a significantly decreased amount of energy, carbohydrates, fat and vitamin C(p<0.05). The mean RBC and serum iron of the subjects who were on a diet more than one mouth were lower than those of the subjects who were not on a diet(p<0.05).
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A Comparative Study on nutrient Intake, Anthropometric Data and Food Behavior in Children with Suboptimal Iron status and Normal children
Sook Mee Son, Jung Sook Yang
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(3):341-348.   Published online August 31, 1998
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This study was performed to investigated the difference in the nutritional status of normal children and children with suboptimal iron status. Two hundred and sixty children from 5th grade were divided into 2 groups(normal group and suboptimal group) according to the hematologic parameters of iron(RBC count, hemoglobin, serum ferritin). Normal group was composed of 71 male and 81 female and suboptimal group was consisted of 65 male and 43 female. Fat percentage of children from suboptimal group was 18.9%, which was significantly lower than 22.1% of normal group(p<0.05). TST and MAC of suboptimal group were also lower than those of normal group(p<0.05). Mean intakes of energy, protein, thiamin, riboflavin, iron were lower than those in normal group(p<0.05). suboptimal female students showed 1197.6 kcal of energy intake(63.0% of RDA) and 0.56 mg of thiamin intake(56% of RDA). Mean RBC count, hematocrit, hemoglobin, ferritin(p<0.01) and FEP(p<0.05) of suboptimal group were lower than those of normal group. Thirty-nine point seven percent of children from suboptimal group was observed with having gastrointestinal disease which was significantly higher than 22.1% of normal group.
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Bone Density of the Middle Aged Women Residing in Urban Area and the Related Factors: I. distribution of Bone density According to Age and the Prevalence of Osteoporosis in the Middle Aged Women Residing in Urban Area
Sook Mee Son, Yoonna Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(3):380-388.   Published online August 31, 1998
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This study was conducted to investigate the distribution of bone density according to age and the prevalence rate of osteoporosis I 613, middle-aged women who visited Saint Bundo Hospital in Pusan from June to December, 1997. Mean bone density of lumbar spine(L2L4), and femoral neck of 50-59 years of age was significantly lower than those of 40-49 years of age(p<0.05). At the 60years of age, mean bone density of two sites were less than those of 50-59 years of age. Mean bone density of lumbar spine tin the group of sixties were 20.7% lower than that of group aged under 40 ; For femoral neck, women in their sixties showed 22.6% lower density compared to the women aged under forty. Bone density of ward's triangle of sixties were the least, which was 34.2% lower than that of group aged under 40. Bone density in lumbar spine, femoral neck, trochanter and ward's triangle correlates strongly with each other(p<0.001). The proportion of osteoporosis was 3.6% in the group of forties, 10.9% in the group of fifties and 33.8% for the group aged over 60, which was assessed by bone density of lumbar spine. Bone density of lumbar spine, femoral neck and ward's triangle were positively correlated with height, weight and BMI(p<0.001~p<0.01), and weight showed highest correlation with the bone density. Forty-four percent of variation in lumbar spine bone density was explained by age and weight.
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The Difference of Lead and Cadmium Concentration of Blood, Urine and Hair between Children with Suboptimal Iron Status and Normal Children
Sook Mee Son, Jung Sook Yang
Korean J Community Nutr 1998;3(2):167-173.   Published online May 31, 1998
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This study was performed to assess the lead and cadmium status of children residing in urbanfactory area and to see if there is a difference of lead and cadmium status between the group with normal iron status. The mean lead concentration of male hair was 9.55ppm which is significantly higher than 6.61 ppm that of female. The mean lead concentration of male urine sample was 0.04ppm, 10.3ppm and 48.14 microgram/L, which is higher than 0.08ppm, 6.08ppm and 20.69 microgram/L of normal group, respectively. In a suboptimal group the proportion of children whose urinary lead is higher than normal(35 microgram/L)was 87.3%, whereas 2.5% for a normal group. The mean cadmium concentration of male hair was 2.58ppm, which is higher than 2.48ppm that of a female. The mean cadmium concentration of erythrocyte, hair and urine was 0.25ppm, 2.65ppm and 38.83 microgram/L, which is higher than 0.20ppm, 2.40ppm and 19.78 microgram/L of the normal group, respectively. The proportion of children whose urinary cadmium level is higher than the low limit of risk of cadmium intoxication(40 microgram/L) was 21.4%, whereas 0% for a mormal group. Urinary lead and cadmium level showed significantly negative correlation with the RBC count, hematocrit, hemoglobin and serum ferritin, whereas they had significantly positive correlation with FEP/Hb(p<0.01). There was no correlation between the IQ and the level of lead and cadmium.
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The Effect of an Energy Restriction Program on the Weight Loss and the Change of Biochemical nutritional Status in Obese Women
Sook Mee Son, Hee Jun Kim, Yoon Na Lee, Hing Sup Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(5):695-700.   Published online December 31, 1997
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This study was conducted to investigate the effect of an energy restriction program on the weight loss and changes of the biochemical nutritional status for 35 obese women. The energy restriction program took place over a 3-week period that was devided into two parts. The first part consisted of 750-800kcal diet and the second part of 800-1000kcal. Subjects were provided a low energy formula and a menu for the recommended diet. Anthropometric and biochemical measurement before and after the energy restriction program were estimated. Mean weight loss was 3.0 kg, accordingly the obestiy rate was lowered from 40.2 to 34.4, BMI from 29.2 to 28.9 and fat weight from 23.3 kg to 21.0 kg(<0.01.<0.05). Waist circumference loss was most prominent(4.4%) compared to triceps(21% loss)and hip circumference(2.2%loss). Mean RBC count, hemoglobin and hematocrit were significantly lowered(<0.01) but they were in the normal range. Systolic blood pressure was significantly decreased from 124.1 mmHg to 113.1 mmHg . Mean SGOT and SGPT were lowered from 29.3u/L to 20.0u/L and from 28.7u/L to 16.6u/L, respectively. It seems that the 3 weeks of energy restriction program used in this study was effective in improving anthropometric measurements without producing deficiency of iron or other susceptible nutrients.
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Status of Public Health-Democratic People's Republic of Korea
Sook Mee Son
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(4):467-469.   Published online October 31, 1997
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No abstract available.
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Nutritional Status and Indicators of Immune Function of Elderly Residing in Low Income Urban Area
Sook Mee Son, Hye young Yoon
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(4):547-555.   Published online October 31, 1997
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No abstract available.
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Nutritional Status of 5th Grade School Children Residing in Low-Income Area of Pucheon City
Sook Mee Son, Chung Sook Yang
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(3):267-274.   Published online August 31, 1997
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The purpose of this study was to determine the proportion of 5th grade school children with iron depletion or iron depleted anemia with simultaneously assessing their general nutritional status. The anthropometric measurements, nutrient intake, and biochemical status of iron were measured for 261 school children from 5th grade residing in low income area of Pucheon. The mean height and weight of male were 138.7 cm and 33.6 kg respectively and were significantly lower than those of female. Mean fat percent, triceps skinfolds thickness and arm circumference were 21.4%, 13.7 mm and 22.2 cm for female and were significantly higher than 19.1%, 11.4 mm, 21.4 cm of male respectively. The intake on vitamin A and calcium were 46.4% and 47.7% of RDA for male and 36.6% and 44.9% for male respectively. The energy intake, carbohydrate, thiamin, niacin, ascorbic acid of male were significantly higher than those of female respectively. The mean daily intake of iron were 7.5 mg for male and 7.3 mg for female and were not significantly different. The mean biochemical indices of iron nutritional status were not significantly different between male and female expect free erythrocyte protoporphyrin(FEP) and FEP : hemoglobin ratio. The proportion of male assessed by serum iron(<70 microgram/dl), Hb(<12g/dl), Hct(<36%), FEP(<70 microgram/dlRBC) were 25.4%, 8.4%, 0.8%, 1.8% respectively and 23.2%, 8.4%, 3.4%, 1.0% for female respectively.
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Obesity, Serum lipid and Related Eating Behaviors of School Children
Sook mee Son, Jung Hee Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(2):141-150.   Published online May 31, 1997
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This study was designed to investigate the obesity rate with anthropometric indices, nutritional status and serum lipid levels of 260 school children from 5th grade of elementry school residing in Puchon city. Obesity was defined as fat percentage that exceeds 25%. The prevalence rate of obesity were 15.2% for male and 14.1% for female. Mean fat percentage, BMI and Rohrer indice of obese male were 30.3%, 21.0 and 150.2 respectively and 28.0%, 21.5 and 151.9 for obese female. Mean serum TG, apo-B of obese female was significantly lower than that of non-obese. Obese male did not show any difference in serum lipid levels. The proportion of students whose serum cholesterol levels exceed 170mg/dI, which is cutoff point of bordeline for coronary artery disease, was 12.0% for male and 15.6% for female. The major factors affecting nutritional status were the amount of living expense, existence of mother's job and the regularity of having breakfast. Children who's living expense more than 500 thousants Won showed lower intake of Iron, vitamin A, thiamin, niacin and ascorbic acid(p<0.05). Children who's mothers are having a job were observed with decreased height(p<0.05). Children having breakfast regularly showed increased BMI and Rohrer indice than those of children having breakfast often of never.
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Nutritional and Health Status of Korean Elderly from Low-income, Urban Area and Improving Effect of Meal Service on Nutritional and Health Status - V. The Effect of Meal Service for One Year on Nutritional and Health Status
Sook Mee Son, Yaung ja Park, Jae Ok Koo, Yoon Na Lee, Hye Young Yoon
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(1):63-73.   Published online February 28, 1997
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study was performed to assess the effect of one year's of meal service for home-staying urban elderly with low incole on their nutritional status. One hundred and eighty three subjects, who had already completed the first nutritional survey, were assigned to two group : meal served(served) and non-meal served(non-served). A meal containing approximately on half of the RDA for energy, protein, calcium and iron was served as lunch everyday to served group. After on year of meal service, follow-up-nutritional survey was done and changes of parameters were analyzed with paired t-test. Served female showed signficantly increased intake of riboflavin and calcium, while non-served female showed significantly decreased intake of calcium. Serum total protein, serum albumin and serum cholesterol were significantly increased in female regardless of meal service. Served remale was observed with significantly elevated LDL-cholesterol, whereas non-served female showed singnificantly lowered HDL-cholesterol. Significantly decreased serum iron, serum transferrin saturaion and significantly increased TIBC were observed for female regardless of meal service. But the proportion of anemic elderly according to Hb or serum iron was decreased more in served group. Female showed significantly increased serum zinc and copper regardless of meal service, whereas only served male showed significantly increased serum copper.
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Korean J Community Nutr : Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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