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Understanding the charactersitics and types of single-person households based on food purchase frequencies in Korea: a cross-sectional study using the 2023 Consumer Behavior Survey for Foods
So-Yun Kim, Youngmin Nam, Jong-Youn Rha, Haerang Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2025;30(1):27-39.   Published online February 28, 2025
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub
This study investigated the differences in food purchase frequency among single-person households by gender and age group and explored the characteristics of single-person household groups according to their food purchase patterns.
Utilizing data from the 2023 Consumer Behavior Survey for Foods conducted by the Korea Rural Economic Institute, this study examined food purchase frequencies among 966 single-person households. Data were analyzed using Rao-Scott chi-square tests, ANCOVA, ANOVA, and K-modes hierarchical cluster analysis.
Significant differences were observed in the food purchase frequencies of single-person households for fresh and convenient food. Women displayed higher purchase frequencies for fish, vegetables, and fruits, whereas men showed higher purchase frequencies for convenient foods (P < 0.005). Single-person households aged 39 years and younger exhibited lower purchase frequencies for vegetables (P < 0.005) and fish (P < 0.001) and substantially higher frequencies of convenient food purchases (P < 0.001). Additionally, this study identified three distinct single-person household groups based on food purchase pattern: the “nutrition-conscious” group, which exhibited high purchase frequency for fresh foods; the “convenience-seeking” group, which showed high purchase frequency for all types of convenient foods; and the “passive food consumer” group, which displayed relatively low purchase frequency for both fresh foods and convenient foods. The socio-demographic characteristics of single-person households differed significantly across these three groups, with the “passive food consumer” group and “convenience-seeking” group exhibiting lower healthy eating competency (MN(nutrition-conscious group) = 3.68, MP(passive-food-consumer group) = 3.40, MC(convenience-seeking group) = 3.52, P < 0.001), safe eating competency (MN = 3.87, MP = 3.57, MC = 3.77, P < 0.001), and satisfaction (MN = 3.36, MP = 3.23, MC = 3.25, P = 0.04) than the “nutrition-conscious” group.
This study underscores the need for targeted nutrition programs to address the unique needs of single-person households depending on their characteristics. Specifically, this study highlights the importance of targeted interventions for “convenience-seeking” and “passive food consumer” to promote dietary competency and encourage healthy dietary behavior.
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Analysis of pork consumption attribute factors by consumer lifestyle in Korea: a cross-sectional study
Jounghee Lee, Juhyun Lee, Wookyoung Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2025;30(1):75-88.   Published online February 28, 2025
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub
This study aims to identify and analyze how different South Korean lifestyles impact attitudes towards pork consumption.
We implemented a cross-sectional survey targeting 705 adult consumers in South Korea using hierarchical and K-means cluster analyses. Respondents were classified into three relevant lifestyles: (1) domestic preference, (2) price-sensitive, and (3) quality-experience-oriented. The importance-performance analysis was employed to evaluate discrepancies between how they rated pork consumption using factors of “importance” and “satisfaction”. We employed Borich’s needs assessment and the Locus for Focus model to prioritize management areas.
The research findings highlight that unpleasant odor/smell (Q7) and hygiene (Q1) were common key areas for management across all consumer groups, emphasizing their importance in enhancing pork consumption satisfaction. Among the groups, the domestic preference group showed high importance-performance discrepancies in attributes like expiry date (D2), suggesting a need for strengthened trust in domestic pork distribution and information transparency. The price-sensitive group prioritized economic factors, with fat thickness (Q8) identified as an essential management area. The quality-experience-oriented group emphasized sensory qualities such as juiciness (Q6) and meat color (Q5), with off-flavors (Q7) displaying the largest discrepancy. These results show the significant role of sensory attributes in consumer satisfaction.
This study demonstrated the multidimensional nature of pork consumption behavior, emphasizing the need for tailored strategies across consumer groups. Managing hygiene (Q1) and reducing off-flavors (Q7) are critical for all segments, while group-specific strategies include managing sensory quality for the quality-experience-oriented group, providing product information (D2) to increase trust for the domestic preference group, and emphasizing value for money for the price-sensitive group.
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Exploring the customer perceived value of online grocery shopping: a cross-sectional study of Korean and Chinese consumers using Means-End Chain theory
Xinyu Jiang, Hyo Bin Im, Min A Lee
Korean J Community Nutr 2024;29(4):318-335.   Published online August 31, 2024
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReaderePub
Despite the growing market share of online grocery shopping, there is a need to understand customer perceived value due to the ongoing advancements in information technology. This study explores the connections between attributes, consequences, and values. Additionally, it conducts a cross-country comparison of consumers’ online grocery shopping behaviors to gain a deeper understanding of consumer market segments and any potential variations among them.
Data was collected through an online questionnaire survey conducted from May 1 to 15, 2024, targeting 400 consumers in Seoul, Korea, and Shanghai, China, who have experience with online grocery shopping. The survey utilized the Means-End Chain theory and association pattern technique hard laddering. Data collation and analysis were conducted using the IBM SPSS Statistics 28.0 program. The LadderUX software was employed to analyze the links between attributes, consequences, and values and create the consumer purchasing process’s implication matrix and hierarchical value map (HVM).
The study identified key attributes that influence online grocery shopping decisions, including delivery service, price, freshness, and quality. Korean consumers demonstrated a higher sensitivity to price (19.0%) and delivery service (17.0%). In contrast, Chinese consumers prioritized delivery service (15.0%) and after-sales service (14.8%). Commonly cited consequences included time saving (12.6% for Koreans, 11.3% for Chinese), whereas prevalent values encompassed convenience (36.8% for Koreans, 19.6% for Chinese) and economic value (26.6% for Koreans, 14.7% for Chinese). The HVM underscored these insights, highlighting diverse consumer preferences and country-specific nuances.
The findings highlight the current state of online food consumption and consumers’ value systems, revealing variations among countries. These findings offer empirical insights that can be used to create customized global marketing strategies that resonate with various consumer preferences and market dynamics.
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Understanding consumer awareness and utilization of local food in Jecheon during the COVID-19 pandemic: a descriptive study
Hye-ryeong Shin, Soojin Park
Korean J Community Nutr 2023;28(4):329-339.   Published online August 31, 2023
AbstractAbstract PDF
This study aims to explore consumer awareness and usage patterns of local food in Jecheon city during the COVID-19 pandemic, contributing to the establishment of the Jecheon City Food Plan.
Surveys were conducted from July 24 to August 24, 2021, using a combination of web-link and self-administered methods for adults living in Jecheon city (n = 250). Descriptive analysis, t-test, importance and satisfaction analysis (ISA) of local food choice attributes were performed using SPSS Statistics.
Participants prioritized freshness when purchasing agricultural products. The freshness of Jecheon local food was the selection attribute with the highest consumer satisfaction and could provide purchase motivation. Approximately 73.6% of respondents understood the concept of local food, and 70% were familiar with Jecheon's local food.Notably, 94.8% expressed an intention to purchase but held negative views on selling local food in other areas. The need to increase the supply of local food to vulnerable populations and public school catering was highly recognized. The ISA identified ‘affordable price’, ‘delivery service’, and ‘product information’ as areas requiring improvement. On the other hand, ‘freshness of products’, ‘quality for the price’, and ‘support for local farmers and economy’ were identified as attributes to be maintained and strengthened.
Consumers in Jecheon city recognized local foods as more than just 'consumer goods’. Our findings suggest the need for further research on local food revitalization and more comprehensive local food planning to enhance consumer satisfaction.
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Consumer Innovativeness and Consumption Behavior of New Sauce Products for the Japanese Consumer
Su Jin Kim, Seon Young You, Min A Lee, Eunju Park
Korean J Community Nutr 2019;24(5):374-383.   Published online October 31, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study analyzed Japanese consumers on their sauce consumption, and assessed the relationship between consumer innovativeness and consumption behavior for new sauce products.
The survey was completed by local consumers visiting Korean restaurants in Osaka, Japan, in September 2018. The demographic characteristics, consumption of sauce, consumer innovativeness, and factors of theory of planned behavior were evaluated. Totally, 150 collected data were analyzed using the IBM SPSS Statistics 25.0 Program (IBM SPSS INC, Armonk, NY, USA).
Results of the survey indicate that Japanese consumers purchase a sauce by considering the taste and food utilization. Sauce purchases were maximum at mega markets and supermarkets. The consumer innovativeness for Japanese consumers was based on 3 factors: ‘Purchasing adventurous products (3.51 ± 0.96)’, ‘Active information seeking (4.36 ± 1.11)’, and ‘Interactive information seeking (4.33 ± 1.02)’, where the tendency of ‘Active information seeking’ was the highest innovativeness factor. Furthermore, higher values of perceived behavior control (4.68 ± 1.21), attitude (4.66 ± 1.41) and subjective norm (4.39 ± 1.28) were revealed, when assessing for theory of planned behavior factors. Correlating the variables of consumer innovation and factors of planning behavior theory, ‘Active information seeking’ is a positive attribute for attitude (p<0.016), subjective norm (p<0.001), and perceived behavior control (p<0.002). These 3 factors also had significantly positive effects on purchase intention for new sauce product (p<0.000, p<0.000, and p<0.002, respectively). Attitude was determined to be another very influential variable for purchase intention of a new sauce product (B=0.484, t=6.881).
The results of this study determine the consumption patterns of sauce for the Japanese consumer, and the relationship between consumer innovativeness and consumption behavior for Korean traditional sauces. We believe the data generated from this study will help determine a marketing strategy to enter the Japanese market.
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Effect of Dietary Education Experience (Home, School, and Mass Media) on Food Consumer Information literacy
Ji Eun Kim, Kyoung Sook Choi
Korean J Community Nutr 2019;24(5):363-373.   Published online October 31, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study examined the effects of dietary education experience (home, school, and mass media) on food consumer information literacy.
The study subjects were 454 adult consumers who answered a structured questionnaire. The questionnaires addressed the subjects' demographics, dietary education experience (home, school, and mass media), and food consumer information literacy. The data were analyzed through frequency analysis, mean, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, Pearson's correlation, and multiple regression analysis using SPSS Win 24.0.
First, the scores of mass media education experience were 3.41 ± 0.64, which was the highest, and 3.15 ± 0.74 for school education experience, which was the lowest. Second, the level of sub-literacies (task definition, information seeking strategy, location and access, use of information, synthesis, and evaluation) showed scores of 3.20 ± 0.72 ~ 3.47 ± 0.68, which were slightly higher than the median. The synthesis literacy was the highest, as opposed to the information seeking strategy literacy, which was the lowest. The location and access and synthesis literacy were higher in women. Third, a significant positive(+) relationship was observed between all sub-literacies and each of three dietary education experiences (home, school and mass media). According to multiple regression analysis, the major variables influencing the sub-literacies of food consumer information literacy were home education, mass media, and school education in that order.
The dietary education experience was the highest through mass media. The factor that showed the highest food consumer information literacy was synthesis. The factors influencing the food consumer information literacy were dietary education experience through home, school, and mass media.


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  • Agrifood consumer competency index and food consumption behaviors based on the 2019 Consumption Behaviors Survey for Food
    Eun-kyung Kim, Yong-seok Kwon, Da Eun Lee, Hee Jin Jang, Young Hee Park
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2021; 54(2): 199.     CrossRef
  • Healthy Eating Capability of One-person Households-The Effects of Eating Alone, Meal Types, and Dietary Lifestyles
    Seonglim Lee, Ilsook Choi, Junghoon Kim
    Family and Environment Research.2020; 58(4): 483.     CrossRef
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The Effect of Consumers' Factors of Food Choices on Replacing Soft Drinks with Carbonated Water
Seoyoung Park, Dongmin Lee, Jaeseok Jeong, Junghoon Moon
Korean J Community Nutr 2019;24(4):300-308.   Published online August 31, 2019
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This research was conducted to identify the consumers' food choice factors that affect the consumers' replacement of soft drinks with carbonated water.
The present study used secondary data from a consumer panel survey conducted by the Rural Development Administration of Korea, and the data included the panel members' purchase records based on their monthly spending receipts. The survey asked the participants about their food choice factors and their personal responsibility for their health. This survey included independent variables for the consumers' food purchase factors. As a dependent variable, two types of groups were defined. The replacement group included those people who increased their purchase of carbonated water and decreased their purchase of soft drinks. The non-replacement group included those people who did not change their purchase patterns or they increased their purchase of soft drinks and they decreased their purchase of carbonated water. Logistic regression analysis was conducted to determine the consumers' food choice factors that were associated with replacing soft drinks with carbonated water.
The replacement group was significantly associated with (1) a younger age (OR=0.953), (2) being a housewife (OR=2.03), (3) higher income (OR=1.001) and (4) less concern about price (OR=0.819) when purchasing food. This group also showed (5) higher enjoyment (OR=1.328) when choosing food and (6) they took greater responsibly for their personal health (OR=1.233).
This research is the first study to mainly focus on soft drinks and carbonated water. The result of this research showed that young, health-conscious consumers with a higher income and who are more interested in food have more possibilities to replace soft drinks with carbonated water. These research findings may be applied to consumers who have characteristics that are similar to the young health-conscious consumers and the results can help to suggest ways to reduce sugar intake and improve public health. However, this research has a limitation due to the application of secondary data. Therefore, a future study is needed to develop detailed survey questions about food choice factors and to extend these factors to all beverages, including soft drinks made with sugar substitutes, so as to reflect the growth of alternative industries that use artificial sweeteners or different types of sugar to make commercially available drinks.


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  • Effects of the Dietary Behavior-Related Consumer Competency on the Purchase Satisfaction of Fresh Food via Early-Morning Delivery Service
    Soon-Ok Lee, Ji-Young Kim, Seung-Min Lee
    Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition.2021; 50(6): 612.     CrossRef
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Evaluation of Consumer Nutrition Education Program to Reduce Sodium Intake Based on Social Cognitive Theory
So Hyun Ahn, Jong Sook Kwon, Kyung Min Kim, Jin Sook Yoon, Hye Kyeong Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2015;20(6):433-446.   Published online December 31, 2015
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study was performed to evaluate the consumer education program for reducing sodium intake based on social cognitive theory (SCT) and investigate consumer perceptions of environmental, cognitive and behavioral factors.
Consumers (n=4,439) were recruited nationwide in Korea to participate in a nutrition education program for reducing sodium intake which was targeted on senior housewives (SH), parents (P), and office workers (OW). Questions regarding main factors of SCT were asked both before and after the education program.
SH and P recognized external social efforts and information to reduce sodium including nutrition labeling more than OW. The main barriers to practice reducing sodium intake were limited choice of low sodium food and menu, interference with social relationship when dining with others, and limited information, knowledge and skills. SH had lower barriers to practice reducing sodium intake and OW perceived 'preference to soup or stew' and 'preference to Kimchi, salted fish and fermented sauces' as barriers more than other groups at the baseline. Less than 50% of participants knew the relationship between sodium and salt, sodium in nutrition labeling, and recommended sodium intake. In addition, OW had little knowledge for capability to reduce sodium intake and lower self-efficacy to practice compared with SH and P. After education, positive outcome expectations such as lowering blood pressure, prevention of cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis were increased and barriers to practice reducing sodium intake were decreased in all groups (p < 0.05). The knowledge for behavioral capability and self-efficacy to reduce sodium intake were also improved but OW had still lower scores compared with other groups.
These results suggested that nutrition education programs could be an effective tool to impact general population by facilitating awareness and increased capability to reduce sodium intake.


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  • Consumer acceptance of reduced sodium white and multigrain bread: Impact of flavor enhancement and ingredient information on sample liking
    Aubrey N. Dunteman, Soo‐Yeun Lee
    Journal of Food Science.2023; 88(1): 417.     CrossRef
  • The frequency of convenience food consumption and attitude of sodium and sugar reduction among middle and high school students in Seoul: a descriptive study
    Seoyeon Park, Yeonhee Shin, Seoyeon Lee, Heejung Park
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2023; 28(4): 269.     CrossRef
  • Development and evaluation of a nutrition education program for housewives to reduce sodium intake: application of the social cognitive theory and a transtheoretical model
    Sohyun Ahn, Jong-Sook Kwon, Kyungmin Kim, Hye-Kyeong Kim
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2022; 55(1): 174.     CrossRef
  • Customers' Perceptions of Operational Status of and Needs for Sodium Reduction in the Industry Foodservice in Seoul
    Na-Young Yi
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2020; 25(1): 21.     CrossRef
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Development of Nutrition Education Program for Consumers to Reduce Sodium Intake Applying the Social Cognitive Theory: Based on Focus Group Interviews
So Hyun Ahn, Hye Kyeong Kim, Kyung Min Kim, Jin Sook Yoon, Jong Sook Kwon
Korean J Community Nutr 2014;19(4):342-360.   Published online August 31, 2014
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
This study aimed to develop nutrition education program for consumers to reduce sodium intake based on social cognitive theory (SCT).
The main factors of SCT related to low sodium diet were investigated by using focus group interview (FGI) with 30 women who participated in consumer organizations.
The main target groups for the education program were housewives (H), parents (P), and the office workers (OW), for which we considered their influences on other people and the surroundings. According to the results of FGI, in carrying out low sodium diet, 'positive outcome expectation' were prevention of chronic disease and healthy dietary habit, and 'negative outcome expectation' were low palatability of foods, difficulty in cooking meals, and limited choice of foods. The contents of the program and education materials were individualized by each group to raise self-efficacy and behavioral capability, which reflected the results of the FGI. The program included 'salt intake and health' to raise positive outcome expectation. For improving the ability to practice low-sodium diet, the program contained the contents that focused on 'cooking' and 'food purchasing' for H, on 'purchasing and selection of low-sodium food with the children' for P, and on 'way of selecting restaurant menu' for OW. Also the program included 'way of choosing the low-sodium foods when eating out' with suggestions on sodium content of the dishes and snacks. Further, 'dietary guidelines to reduce sodium intake' was also suggested to help self-regulation.
This nutrition education program and education materials could be utilized for the community education and provide the basis for further consumer targeted education program for reducing sodium intake.


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  • Outcome expectations, self-efficacy, eating environment, and eating behaviors by the stages of change in adequate sodium intake among university students: a cross-sectional study
    Yeon Gyu Im, Kyung Won Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2024; 29(5): 382.     CrossRef
  • Development and evaluation of a nutrition education program for housewives to reduce sodium intake: application of the social cognitive theory and a transtheoretical model
    Sohyun Ahn, Jong-Sook Kwon, Kyungmin Kim, Hye-Kyeong Kim
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2022; 55(1): 174.     CrossRef
  • A Qualitative Study of the Awareness and Influencing Factors of the Dietary Habits of the Male and Female Workers' at a Manufacturing Facility in Gwangju
    Ji Suk Yim, Young-Ran Heo
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2022; 27(1): 12.     CrossRef
  • Reach Out Emergency Department: Partnering With an Economically Disadvantaged Community in the Development of a Text-Messaging Intervention to Address High Blood Pressure
    Emily Champoux, Rory Price, Joan E. Cowdery, Mackenzie Dinh, William J. Meurer, Narmeen Rehman, Caitlin Schille, Alina Oliver, Devin L. Brown, Jordan Killingsworth, Lesli E. Skolarus
    Health Promotion Practice.2020; 21(5): 791.     CrossRef
  • Factors contributing to the reduction of sodium intake by food manufacture and cooking venues according to the national sodium reduction policies
    Kirang Kim, Sohyun Park, Jee Young Kim
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2020; 53(6): 648.     CrossRef
  • A Comparative Study on the Awareness of Health Risks and the Risk Reduction Measures Related to Sodium Intake between Female and Male University Students in Busan and Gyeongnam: An Application of Protection Motivation Theory
    Soo-Hyun Jang, Eunju Yoon
    Korean Journal of Food & Cookery Science.2016; 32(1): 136.     CrossRef
  • School Dietitian Awareness, Practice, and Sodium Reduction Plan in School Meal Service
    Eun Kyung Kim, Hae Young Kim
    Korean Journal of Food & Cookery Science.2016; 32(2): 222.     CrossRef
  • Evaluation of a Nutrition Education Program Designed to Reduce Sugar Intake in Preschool Children
    Ma-Young Yeom, Youn-Ok Cho
    Journal of the Korean Dietetic Association.2016; 22(3): 179.     CrossRef
  • Perception on Optimal Diet, Diet Problems and Factors Related to Optimal Diet Among Young Adult Women Using Focus Group Interviews: Based on Social Cognitive Theory
    Hye Jin Kim, A Reum Lee, Kyung Won Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2016; 21(4): 332.     CrossRef
  • ‘When operating a cafeteria, sales come before nutrition’ – finding barriers and facilitators to serving reduced-sodium meals in worksite cafeterias
    Sohyun Park, Jounghee Lee
    Public Health Nutrition.2016; 19(8): 1506.     CrossRef
  • Study on Energy and Nutrient Intake and Food Preference of the Elderly in Care Facilities
    Jong-Sook Kwon, Seung Hee Lee, Kang Min Lee, Yoonna Lee
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2016; 21(2): 200.     CrossRef
  • Evaluation of Consumer Nutrition Education Program to Reduce Sodium Intake Based on Social Cognitive Theory
    So-Hyun Ahn, Jong Sook Kwon, Kyung Min Kim, Jin-Sook Yoon, Hye-Kyeong Kim
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2015; 20(6): 433.     CrossRef
  • The Development of a Nutrition Education Program for Low-income Family Children by applying the Social Cognitive Theory and Health Belief Model
    Saes-byoul Lee, Yu-Ri Jeong, Hyo-Jin Ahn, Min-Ji Ahn, Su-A Ryu, Nam-E Kang, Se-Young Oh
    Korean Journal of Community Nutrition.2015; 20(3): 165.     CrossRef
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Effect of Menu Calorie Labels on Menu Sales and Consumer's Recognition at a Korean Restaurant in a Hotel
Dongjun Lee, Jae Cheol Lee, Mi Hyun Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2013;18(5):505-514.   Published online October 31, 2013
AbstractAbstract PDFPubReader
Effect of Menu Calorie Labels on Menu Sales and Consumer's Recognition at a Korean Restaurant in a Hotel The role of calorie information is to help consumers make healthier food choices. However, calorie information is generally unavailable in restaurants. Even in high-end hotel restaurants, which try to provide high quality foods and service, calorie labeling is not mandatory. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of calorie labeling on menu sales and consumer's recognition at a Korean restaurant in Kangwonland hotel. The calorie contents of 10 dishes sold in the restaurant were calculated using the food composition table. After making a new menu plate displaying calorie information, the new menu plate and old menu plate were provided every other week for 4 weeks. When we compared the sales between the periods of calorie labeled and calorie unlabeled, sales of 4 items among the 5 food items providing less than 1000 kcal, increased, however the 3 items among the menu providing more than 1000 kcal decreased. As the survey results of total 405 consumers (male n = 232, female n = 173) showed the new menu plate, 68.2% of subjects recognized calorie labeling on the menu plate. Among the subjects who recognized calorie labeling, 58.3% answered that calorie information affected their food choices. And most of them answered that they chose lower calorie foods based on the information provided. The results suggest that displaying calorie information on the menu plate at a Korean restaurant was effective in changing consumer's food choices.


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  • Perception and importance for country-of-origin labeling at restaurants in college students in Jeju
    Yeong-Mi Park, Yang-Sook Ko, Insuk Chai
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2018; 51(2): 177.     CrossRef
  • Study on Importance-Performance Analysis Regarding Country-of-Origin Labeling for Restaurants
    Ji-Yeon Nam, Wan-Soo Hong
    Korean journal of food and cookery science.2015; 31(1): 53.     CrossRef
  • How nutrition information frame affects parents’ perceptions of restaurants: The moderating role of information credibility
    Kiwon Lee, Youngmi Lee, Sooyoun Kwon
    International Journal of Hospitality Management.2015; 46: 112.     CrossRef
  • Customer perception and expert assessment in restaurant food environment by region: Focused on restaurants in Suwon, Hwaseong city
    Mi Hyun Oh, Jeong-sook Choe, Young Kim, Sang Eun Lee, Hee Young Paik, Mi Jin Jang
    Journal of Nutrition and Health.2014; 47(6): 463.     CrossRef
  • Energy Content Estimation by Collegians for Portion Standardized Foods Frequently Consumed in Korea
    Jin Kim, Hee Jung Lee, Hyun Jung Lee, Sun Ha Lee, Jee-Young Yun, Mi-Kyeong Choi, Mi-Hyun Kim
    Clinical Nutrition Research.2014; 3(1): 24.     CrossRef
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Influence of the Consumer-Brand Relationship Quality on the Customer Satisfaction in the Family Restaurant
Hyun Ah Kim
Korean J Community Nutr 2006;11(4):512-519.   Published online August 31, 2006
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to analyze the influence of the consumer-brand relationship quality on the customer satisfaction in the family restaurant. The questionnaires were distributed to 320 students in the K University located in Masan, who were sampled by convenience-sampling method. The surveys were conducted from November 10 to 24, 2005. The 287 questionnaires responded, and 15 unusable questionnaires were excluded, then 272 were used for the final analysis (response rate: 85.0%). For the statistical analysis, SPSS (12.0) was used to conduct the descriptive analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, Pearson correlation and multiple regression analysis. The result of this study showed that 2 constructs (trust and intimacy) of consumer-brand relationship quality have significant positive effects on the customer satisfaction in the family restaurant (p < .001). It meant that as consumer-brand relationship quality becomes stronger, the customer satisfaction becomes greater. As a conclusion, the foodservice manager in the family restaurant should focus on the marketing strategy to strengthen the quality of consumer-brand relationship in order to increase the satisfaction of customers.
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Consumer Preferred Formats of Nutrition Labels: Housewives of Daejon City
Ji Hyun Choi, Young Jin Chung
Korean J Community Nutr 2003;8(2):220-230.   Published online April 30, 2003
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate consumer preferred formats of nutrition labels: the type of nutritional information provided on the labels. A survey was conducted on 222 housewives between the age of 20 and 65 in Daejeon city in 1998, using an interview questionnaire showing illustrated nutritional label formats. Among twelve nutrients and caloric values listed on the nutrition labels, the housewives ranked their interest in the items in the following order of calorie (58.56%), calcium (56.76%), cholesterol (54.05%), protein (39.19%) and vitamin C (36.04%). The majority of the subjects (69.37%) checked labels when they bought milk or dairy products, whereas only 8.11% looked at labels when they bought Ramyon or noodles. Most of the subjects (90.99%) preferred products with labels with nutritional information as compared with products without labels. this was especially so true of the younger individuals and of people who checked food labels more frequently. The subjects preferred labeling which described the nutrient content per package (55.41%), serving size (32.88%) and food weight of 100g (11.71%) as a standard unit. Generally, they preferred a simplified list to a detailed list of the number of nutrients, a figure graph to bar graph in nutrition claim, vertical bar graph to horizontal bar graph showing the nutritional content of foods and a web-type graphic format to a radiationformat when describing the item's percentage of the Korean RDA's nutrient content. The subjects who checked labels frequently especially preferred detailed list, while housewives with job or with unhealthy family members preferred a simplified list and graphic, rather than a numerical display. From this result, it is suggested that providing consumers with more nutrients information in a more easily understood graphic format would encourage the consumers to check nutritional labels. Therefore this should be considered when developing the regulations for nutrition labeling or when educating the public about nutrition.
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Housewives' Behavior of Purchasing Special Eggs and Cooking Patterns of Eggs in Kyunggi-do and Inchon
kyung Ja Chang, Young Bum Cho
Korean J Community Nutr 1997;2(5):711-720.   Published online December 31, 1997
AbstractAbstract PDF
The purpose of this study was to investigate the purchase of special and cooking patterns of eggs. This survey was carried out through questionnaire and the subjects were 435 housewives whose children were middle or high school students in Kyunggi-do and Inchon. The results are summarized as follows : 1) As for age, 66.4% of subjects were 40 years or older. Also 57.1% of subjects received a high school education. As for occuption, full-time housewives accounted for 60.5%. Monthly family income of 39.1 % was 1-2 million won. As for monthly cost of food, 51.7% of subjects paid less than 500 thousand won. Also 40.2% of subjects lived in apartments. 2)Most housewives knew about the sale of special eggs. However, they perceived that the price of special eggs was expensive. 3) The higher their age, education level. household income and food cost, were, the more frequent their purchase of special eggs was. 4) The reason for their purchasing special eggs was in order of nutrition and freshness. 5) Most housewives didn't trust the brands of special eggs. 6) The most popular method of cooking eggs was fried-eggs. Therefore, it is necessary to provide cheap, fresh and nutritious special eggs.
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